Thursday, June 2, 2022

Fooled by love but it is not love at all
It is a primal instinct 

Me, once a woman in love (and thought I was also loved but now know I was not and am not loved at all, ever.. )  did/would will refuse advances of another male

A woman who feels loved admired cherished respected by him will be loyal 
UNTIL..... she discovers the truth

woman who has learned about the evil cheating side of men gives up on the idea of a man being faithful and decides to be on her own she doesn't need the crap
she might decide to avoid any intimate contact with anyone OR
she might decide to be with whomever she wants

scorned woman finds out he is a lying cheater and cuts the cord of invisible "love" now she is on the loose and has no care in the world about what he wants or thinks or says because she found out his core is rotten ; a wolf in sheep's clothing


can be in love with a woman and will still look lust after and jump at any

opportunity for sex from a desirable person or any other thing
(in his mind: some men are picky some are not at all choosey about entanglements) female if he is hetero, male if he is bi or is not hetero

fakes it out tells stories sometimes gives objects material things to get what he wants then runs off dumping her off to the side of the road like a dead animal 

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