Monday, June 27, 2022

Society is like this

 Don't do anything in public that people do on tv or media 

in videos, commercials, movies, 

don't talk like that

don't dress like that

don't be anywhere nude naked unclothed

or inappropriately dressed in revealing or sloppy clothes

female girl woman can't show her body to anyone except mate/boyfriend,

husband, partner only in private (home, car, wherever no one else

can see her)

women and children are to keep their mouth shut about any type of

activity going on at home regarding the man, male, father

womman is slave, sex toy, house keeper, maid, cook, cleaner

helper, errand runner, expected to be avaiable immediately without question

for any duty he demands at any moment any time anywhere 

and put up with any behavior from him without him facing any consequences for his 

words or actions

male can say and do anything he wants to do to anyone at home, even at work

woman and kids child children are/is to shut her fucking mouth (this is one reason bondage scenes and 

wraps around mouth, ropes tied around victims arms legs torso are so popular )

male man boy has right to look at and do anything

with any other person he wants anytime he feels like it such as 

yelling hititng punching slapping pushing shoving raping 


he uses 

porn pornography use magazines books pictures videos

movies vhs dvd online any fashion of sex industry and this

is totally acceptable behavior

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