Sunday, June 19, 2022

My father: A real MAN, grandfather to many

My father: A real MAN, grandfather to many

brother to countless men and women 

 He was good He IS Good 

He didn't brag and talk about being good or doing good things or being a good person, doing the right thing

He DID good and WAS Good

Helping any one he could helpful thoughtful kind considerate

he didn't preach and scold ; he wasn't a hypocrite

he UNDERSTOOD and helped when I made mistakes 

he was humble admited making mistakes being human being alive

he accepted me and us for what we are

he was generous kind giving time energy things without thought of receiving

He loved kids and grandchildren; had 10 kids of his own and cared for all of us deeply

He loved holidays

He celebrated life often and daily

Hub, center of the family

Sorely missed by countless people: any family member and an unknown amount of

friends associates business clients 

Luaghed and cried easily and often

Expressive emotional sensittive

A born business man entrepreneur

Mature/maturity learned as he grew out of boyhood into manhood

"Always a square deal" was his business motto for Wilson Electric Company

lightning bolt on the business card

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