Sunday, June 19, 2022

immature person male or female

immature person male or female

sees no consequence, has trouble foreseeing what will happen or is happening due their words or actions

doesn't care if they hurt people

hits on or takes advantage of  any opportunity for sex 

has little or no self control

loses temper quickly

judges and criticizes often

can't take any criticism or judgment from another person

finds fault with most others

is not introspective , not reflective


selfish mean hateful rude pushy 

jealous of accomplishments of other people

wants it all for themselves

refuses to look at themselves

blames someone or something else for wrong or mistakes mishaps

can't take responsibility for self behavior

sees and grabs things/stuff uncontrollably

(can't keep hands to themself, themselves)

calls self or a person terrible instead of naming the ACTION as terrible or bad or wrong or a mistake

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