Sunday, June 19, 2022

dad said and did and was/is

 lookin for love in all the wrong places, he told me i was doing this when i was 19 years old. he was 33 when i was born so he was 54 years old back in 1981

Knew all the best places to eat. Great restaurants

he doesnt want you to go to school then you wont need him anymore, referring to my husband

all i know is what i read in the papers (and laughed as he said it jokingly)

you're so much like your mother you look like her, walk, talk, even smoke like her

i still love your mother, said several time once at a dance shriners 

get a haircut and shave and some good food to eat and feel better right away (that is what i do)

matter of fact

honest truth teller


32nd degree mason, shriner

helped without lectures blaming hurting 

unselfish generous giving

never knew a stranger

taught countless people many practical useful things including electrical trade; his brother larry, sons gilbert john wilson jr, darryl wayne wilson

supported supportive encouraging each person and children/kids and family friends anyone in their endeavors




Risk taker

gambler horse dog races lottery tickets

took me to saint louis missouri drove all the way there when the mo lottery began

read kansas city star newspaper daily two editions morning and evening and would joke around saying 'all i know is what i read in the papers'

fun loving 

good natured

did have quick temper at times yelling saying what are you stupid , youre just like darryl ..when i got something in my eye working on a car from underneath

Clean neat organized:
no dirty dishes left in the sink would break the dish if left dirty saying you dont need them if you cant wash them

hogs are fed corn to fatten them up he said

grew up on a farm in kansas had smokehouse chickens his grandfather had an orchard fruit trees would tell me the time his grandfather cried when drought no rain hit and crop orchard didnt grow failed

shook hands with everyone

Brotherhood and sisterhood understood completely

Loved children kids animals


Hard work

Precise, to the point


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