Thursday, September 1, 2022

Females girls women advice for life from a man


Females/girls/women advice for life from a man 

straight talk, out of the mouth of a 61 year old man yesterday I met at a nursing home born in june of 1961

Dress appropriately, covering yourself. Dont show too much

Thinks woman is trying to turn him off seduce him by the way she is dressed, acts, talks

Halter tops and shorts are immediate turn on for him as are bikini swim suits, lingerie, underwear

Don't lean over showing any skin in chest area/breast/boobs/tits

Don't show your ass butt or anywhere close to personal crotch area

Don't hug men/him/males

Don't be too nice, friendly.

Use caution with words: Language shall be polite

He says he is turned on, stimulated very easily by viewing any female or if the person shall come too close and / or touch his body especially in private areas

Says is faithful for 34 years to wife; refuses to allow secumbing to having sex with anyone but wife

This type of thinking totally explains why I have not been taken seriously by man males men ..........this explains a whole lot of behavior that happens worldwide ................

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