Friday, September 16, 2022

Jwl Layson music man kc

 Scimecas 1st meal spaghetti  italian food jan 2000

jan 2000 to september 2008 

goal to clean the music store up. 

worked in a disasterized mess the whole time. anytime i or anyone cleaned up and organized john blew up and messed it up. just like his hoarder house.. crammed from floor to ceiling. shelves stacked upon shelving, extension cords plugged into endless cords and power strips into more strips .. the endless of anything imaginable

working was extremely difficult. concentration and focus almost nil

john ended up staying one most of the days while i worked by myself. he was out buying more and as much as possible every day, packing, jamming the store to the hilt

he had 3 large storage spaces at the flea he paid rent on until 2021. who knows how much money the flea made off john for his storage payments

as soon as i started at the super flea in early 2000 he said i should sign up with ebay and sell his stuff music movies books electronics anything he bought for resale

oct 1999 i got my first computer at best buy and circuit city so i could learn how to use it on the internet. i wanted to know how to use it so i could work at office jobs like accounting bookeeping

after a few years he began using his computer to burn cds and dvds movies and copy tapes anything to sell to customers to make money. he copied artwork also. the results were poor. he insisted i do it, i refused due to infringments and laws which he avoided like the plague and said i was worried about nothing, as usual, minimizing what ever i said about 

doing the right things, cleaning items things and the store up. the floors were nasty, the trash cans filthy, dirt, greasy grease nasty stuff sticky floors and merchandise and cds records with scratches cracks other flaws didnt bother him in the least

every saturday and sunday i worked at super flea with john and

it was always a fight, fighting at work every weekend with him. sloppiness, stinky stuff, dirt, grim, disorder, clutter, the back counter so crammed i could barely get around to get behind the counter so after a couple of years i about gave up and laid in a recliner chair the first hour or two then crawled over to the tall office chair and sat there behind my computer screen with the notebook at the counter to hand write down the sales in columns

i am told by him you act like this is a business it is not and husband tells me to shut the f up and just do your job he is paying you 40 dollars a day at first then a big raise to 50 a day because i drove him all over town on saturday evenings after working all day so he could buy more stuff at pawn shops thrift stores and the like

and i ended up picking him up at home and taking him to work then driving him home each sat and sunday after he quit driving, couldnt drive his car anymore which he never answered the question "john, why cant you drive anymore? why did you lose your drivers license?" all these years he never did say, he just said one time "its complicated" any other time he zipped his lips played opposum like he was dead and changed the subject

couldn't clean up and organize he destroyed whatever i did. we had part time briefly a few months total maybe .. some help from a couple of other ladies jacque and bree he tore up their work, also. jacque ended up living with john for a few years until 2020 or 2021 when she went to a nursing home after getting alzheimer's disease . before she got real bad with her mind she told me she hated john's guts, couldn't stand him. she would email me with his shenanigans and talk to me on the phone and a few times in person letting me know what was going on there at the house

went to visit johns a few times could barely walk thru the house, it was no big deal at all to him. i felt like a panic attack hitting me whenever i entered. the cat piss smell was overwhelming and tiptoeing like a snake thru the 3 bd ranch home with a full basement was the only way to get thru it alive

i didnt know what he really was until 2021 after i researched it; he was a hoarder, in stage 4 of hoarding disorder. 

prior to this me and my husband and any other person who knew him just thought he was dirty, messy, a collector, a buyer and seller of merchandise

summer 2021 john told me you like to talk you should write you need to write books sarah .  he was in the hospital had a heart attack death was imminent . 

john lessons. i learned i must have courage and patience of a saint, strength of will like hardly any other person i know who would not put up with john's habits, treatement, crap. most would walk away the very first time he shot his filthy mouth off with shit flying out of it at me. screaming at me for a drop of water on the floor i mopped, raging at me for throwing a piece of water damaged rotten cardboard into the trash can at work at super flea... his yelling at me and rage was so loud and bad that a man customer walked by when john was raging at me. the man looked at me said i will take him out right now for you man should talk to a woman that way!!

working with men and married to men who didnt always do or want to do the right things .. the right things for me and most people anyway. conniving and cheating might be the right thing for them and some others.  and somehow i manage to be clean, seemingly untouched and remain an angel as some say that i am. 

it's not all bad, though. there are and were many good things experienced learned and had out of the tsunami war zone hurricane earthquake situations i have lived thru; some of the biggest disasters and messes a person could go there i have done, been in. survived. 

story of my life.. here

my ex acted and was the same way and current hub is just as bad as all that and somehow i manage to still be alive with a tiny shred of sanity left in my poor little half wit kind hearted doormat soul

i wonder at times if i must be insane. .. yes i must be a fool. a fool's fool to put up with ass hole behaviors such as theirs
{cussing me out, threatening me, tearing the hell out of things, minimizing any ethical word that comes out of my mouth, dominating dictator hitler types, pigs, control freaks, cutting corners, cutting me down, causing tons of unnecessary work and making one hours work turn into 100 hours work, ...}

well the truth is i had hope. i really foolishly thought i could clean it up, that was my mission. i had a goal and in the beginning i tried for 9 years couldnt do it but waited gave up finally in 2021 after i left that hell hole pit in 2008 (13 years later) johns house got cleaned up and out, it's all gone. he lost it all, the entire contents and the house.  

i also foolishly thought people, a person could change. and now i know the truth; they wont change one iota, bit, fraction, micron, ounce or any other measure a person can name. a person is what they are. they arent going anywhere you think they will go or want them to go. it is their life, their plan and mission to do precisely what the sam hell they want to do. it's not my business. they dont want to be fixed, told what to do, what they should think, say feel or want to be doing or going.

john and others
pushy, all about the money, material things, drive fast, get it all as fast as possible, fast food probably fast women and fast cars. impatient. demanding, yelling. accumulate stuff dont want to let go of things.

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