Monday, September 12, 2022

I cried when my grandson was 5 because I knew kindergarten was next. I am still crying.

I cried when my grandson was 5 because I knew kindergarten was next. I am still crying. 

He knows what he loves and wants. Society is about conformity to achieve a "norm" that is not about the individual.

It's about melting a person down into a huge pot of sameness with all of the others.

Attempting to strip the individual's identify away.

Children are unique. They need to stay that way.  Into adulthood. 

The people who maintain their SELF are the most recognized, become famous and sometimes rich in wealth. Artists, engineers, all of the fields of endeavor. The ones who blend into the mix and lose their sense of identify by trying to please everyone go down the drain. 

Not be whipped into submission to conform into a blase standard of nothingness.

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