Thursday, September 1, 2022

Slow to realize things; me


Thinks I am trash and anything I have own do think say is trash 


Said you're not special. You're not my role model 

Smirks,  skeptical is whatever I say 

Mocks me 

Makes fun of me 

Says I am lying to his son 

Invalidates, minimizes, ridicules, looks down on me  

Spends lots of time with his father on the phone and in person 

I embarrass him 

Spends no time with me during holidays and stays away from / avoids me 

When I am at his house or anywhere else 

 Does not come over to visit with me period 

Is not one it proud of me 

Acts disgusted in my presence 

Probably secretly hates despises me although he said I love you one time 

In August 2022 

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