Thursday, September 1, 2022

Narc fights. The never ending feud battles of forcing oneself upon others.

 One will beat you up and wear you out with stupid. Stupidity beats up intelligence and

wears out the other who participates in endless battles going nowhere.

1. Constantly asking the same questions over and over. daily, weekly, monthly...for years on end.
 Not listening to the answers. Keep asking. 

2. pretending like you or i dont understand to keep the shit going

3. feigning ignorance 

4. "I don't understand" (I can't understand" (common sense things) are frequent statements

and demand an explanation which, of course, the recipient answers and the person keeps saying I can't/don't understand after the other explains in full detail why, who, what, where, when, how... all q's are answered and the narc feigns stupidity

5. Picks, prods, pokes, agitates, aggravates, demands yes or no answers to optional preferences which are individual choices THEN becoming irate if the person says yes or no in a decision that disagrees with what they poking prodding narc asks

6. Statements are ALL or NOTHING so one has no real choice to even think ..forced to believe that one (me, you or I) don't have a choice in the matter. The OTHER option of 
NOT deciding yes or no is not allowed. Violence ensues   "Goddmamit, you HAVE to be on this side or that one, you can't be in the middle and NOT choose one or the other!!!"

7. Keep saying fixed things which are opinions and saying that your opinion is a fact

no arguing with a fool

fools foolish argument is never ending

endless circular going nowhere no resolution no problem is solved. problems continue on and fighting is continual

push one and get resistance bucking fighting arguing yelling 

One has to realize a thing on their own. We you I learn by ourselves. 

We dont need to be pushed, forced and assisted by another.

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