Monday, July 31, 2023

You're not going to disrupt my life....he says

 By cooking anything that's going to smell for 2-3 hours when I am trying to sleep

By doing anything that smells that I don't like

By doing anything that I don't want or like or do myself

By having any people around

By dressing in any fashion or manner I don't approve of

AND he is going to do exactly as he pleases whether I like it or not

No sounds from me or a child or anyone.. ever

War : his favorite subject obsession



Alex Jones

Maga Trump cult campaign member

My sis sister Joyce


Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses ... on your powers, instead of your problems." -- Paul J. Meyer

 Your Daily Quotation:

"Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses ... on your powers, instead of your problems."

-- Paul J. Meyer

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Critic can't be criticized

You don't need to go toschool/college

 told to me and shown by each man/husband i have been with

 What makes him spend money willingly?

Fancy food

Salesman one time door to door selling cleaning solution. Clean cut white male dressed business like

Gave quarters to a woman with kids on the street.  Said she was not really that pretty but I wasn't with him so I don't know

Fungusclear he saw advertised spent around two hundred dollars

Food dehydrator advertised on tv

Large amount spent on the truck

Metal detectors several of them

Tv in living room. Thousands

Saturday, July 29, 2023

 He knows the adult entertainment spots and notices immediately any clubs bars ads for any type of porn, any pictures of pretty girls women females 

Avoids looking at me because his face is in porn so much and stares at other women.,. 

Why would he want to look at me in person or picture of me he sees me all the time..   words straight out of his mouth

Liars lying signals from humans

 They Don't answer the question

Tight lipped

Change subject

Eyes blinking alot or squinting

Looking away

Twisting words

Blaming me or you 

For ridiculous things obviously I had no part of

Pointing fingers at others most of the time

Where is there dignity unless there is honesty?" -- Cicero

 Your Daily Quotation:

"Where is there dignity unless there is honesty?"

-- Cicero

Foods to avoid with arthritis

Chiropractor told me I have had arthritis at least 47 years.

The hard lump in my twisted back that looks like another spine is actually bone, not tight muscles my husband erroneously thought and yelled at me for years saying you need to exercise your muscles on the other side of your back so the left side doesn't bulge out like that! 

My food consumption has been a lot of salty things , red meat, sausage, bacon, ham, processed foods, fast food, used to consist of a lot of sugar, breads, crackers, cakes, pies, cookies, cheese dairy, ice cream, Cottage cheese, junk hydrogenated soybean and other oil

Friday, July 28, 2023

 Money and power

In the hands of the immature

Spells dictatorship disaster

Open mind. Closed mind. .?.?

Change thoughts. Key to self

 She, my ex mother in law, told me over 40 years ago the simple message in every book she read is Change your thoughts. It all begins, travels around and never ends with my and your thoughts. 

In that mind. The mind. The spirit. Untouchable. Untrappable. Not contained. Always alive. 

The spirit is source of adventure...

Key to yourself book ...

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Stuff is not a replacement for presence





all 7's 

straight in and round in rows

all rows and columns

7 7 61


numbers on my stuff, my number

7 virtues

(1) humility, (2) charity, (3) chastity, (4) gratitude, (5) temperance, (6) patience, and (7) diligence

seven deadly sins

 Each of these can be used to overcome the corresponding sins of (1) vainglory, or pride, (2) greed, or covetousness, (3) lust, or inordinate or illicit sexual desire, (4) envy, (5) gluttony, which is usually understood to include drunkenness, (6) wrath, or anger, and (7) sloth. The seven heavenly virtues are similar but distinct from the seven virtues (comprising four cardinal virtues and three theological virtues) that are considered to be fundamental to Christian ethics.

contradictions? oh contrare ..??

 go to church, not religious

go to a casino dont gamble

go to all you can eat buffet and dont eat it all

have it and leave it set, 

dont use it dont need it 

Alcohol, clothes, food, equipment, 

Electronics video and audio for rabbit hole usage to escape reality avoided

Instead am into simplicity understanding usefulness practicality

what i dont do exceeds things that i do do

she doesnt have to work ... at it or anything .. she IS

no more liars cheats frauds fakes a yah hole ahh when i can identify them immediately.............

grandma you dont have to win the lottery if you just be yourself

perfectly clean sex is solo

s necklace, the ruby ring, the gold bracelet; sold, lost, stolen

 s. necklace pendant white gold chaing chip diamonds in the 's' ...grandpa's gift to me from grandma. sold at alvins fine jewelers fear of losing it in the swimming pool

ruby ring white gold square jewel dropped down bathroom drain main bath when i was about 10 never found it even tho i took the elbow pipe off

age 16 the gold bracelet with my name engraved on it and a diamond was stolen along with my jewelry box while living in building with my mother 336 brooklyn

damon grandson obsessed with youtube video of little girl dropped the ring down the toilet and it goes through the water system .

virgos around me and life experience







rising on the east ; dad, aunt ruth, son clayton, 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

a man can't think straight when a pretty female is around


especially at work

at home

walking down the street

a neighbor

he peeps thru her window

why music movie tv radio magazines books became a need when i was a little girl

 began having to have constant radio/tv

playing when i was a girl

due to chronic stress in household from

grandma and grandpa both well meaning upstanding caring people and both a narcissist

music movies television magzines books

any thing anyone talking was soothing

would try to keep the radio going on all night long in my bedroom but could not because it disturbed and woke up grandmother 

when i was alone i would turn up the console stereo volume as loud as it would go often playing vinyl records and broadcasting the radio 

and i had a portable record player i would put in the front yard plug it in play music and dance in the yard all the neighbors around could see me and hear it blasting but i did it for myself me my sanity not to try to show off or impress was simply my way of being, just being myself 

Most lots of news' is hokey hocky hockey crap

 Lots of info is useless meaningless garbage taking up space in a brain consciousness

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

There are no stealable things in my house, my body or my soul spirit

Dump the trash often

Fluidity Flexibility is KEY

Sea of uncertainty is life

Everything affects everything

Boss of me is me

I have had enough of his rotten shit

 memories go all the way back more than 32 years ago..way back to 1987 when first met...

the shitty negative attitude was there however i ignored it thinking it would/he would change and become happy optimistic appreciative grateful funloving and see the bright side of life AND 

after all these years

he remains the same

Fleeing pain is easy for me

I find best feeling things easily

 Sweet spots

And I want them more and to last longer and longer

Drums soothe and he me going. Screaming turns me off

 Love drums bass

Abhor screams shrill high pitches 

He mimics those he sees in the news

 Like his sister Karen naming her daughter Amber

When amber alert began

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Don't need


Because he is not listening and doesn't care what you have to say

All he does is look at you and sniff

Like a dog

Spotting a sonofabitch on a power trip

 Look into his eyes

He's been telling lies

He tells you to shut the fkk up

He's a creep peeping

Sneaky sneaking

Can't carry on a conversation about anything except what he wants to say

He's a porno king watcher: pornography gives instant satisfaction like a sex slave worker whore slut prossy prostitute whether she is free or charges money

Whines, throws fits when hungry, losing at a game, needs not met immediately, has to be in control of all things except himself all the time, 

May appear disgusting physically and might stink and can't stand ugly women who smell bad

Bootsie bootsey boots and more boots !!!

My body is my house. I will do as I darn please !!!

I can get away anywhere and can't get away from myself.

 I can get away anywhere and can't get away from myself.

Get away anywhere and can't get away from yourself

sarah wilson stillwell

You don't become enormously successful without encountering some really interesting problems." -- Mark Victor Hansen

 Your Daily Quotation:

"You don't become enormously successful without encountering some really interesting problems."

-- Mark Victor Hansen

clean up angels always show up

 in the end

the beginning

the entire time

the angels are there

doing their god given job duty

to clear the way for life and living it to its fullest

Communication rules; Words are worth more than anything else

 thinking, saying, talking, writing, blogs, diaries, journals, life journeys travels experiences 

recording of anything

describing, descriptions, accuracy

detailed details lists of anything 

unlimited income results from excellent communicators 

Friday, July 21, 2023

 Life is not guaranteed no matter how you live it

You must have the patience of a saint

 Said to me by mother in law Patty mertz way back in 1982 1983

Regarding the fact that I dealt with her son ed for 2 - 3 years with out cracking up going crazy.. anything bad having to put up with him, loving him.

What a naive loving fool I am

Worst mistakes I have made

 Packing home full of stuff

Trying to save everything

Living with wrong people

Listening to bad advice

Believing lies from my naive self thinking everyone tells me the truth

Cleaning up after capable people

Slavery of any kind

Romantic love, believe it was true

Not recognizing a person for what they are, their character such as being a snake charmer 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

The process pattern of some

 Get a woman

She's committed to him

Once he feels ownership he is entitled

Then shits on everything about her

Does not want to take her anywhere

Do anything

Except lay around the house

Looking at videos

Jacking off to

Other women

Blasting noise with headphones on his head

Shutting out the woman he thinks he owns

You can clean the dirt off your body but not your insides and soul/spirit

 shower OFF 

and cleanse the INSIDE of yourself

to feel REALLY GOOD 

WOW !!!

Jess was looking at my ass

 bent over to get into the file cabinet

"OH, Baby!' he wowed wooed moaned....

i was working at storage company as relief manager


Manure makes things grow.

Remember that dirt mud and manure make things GROW !!

Photography i love

 To take pictures

Signs youre an incredibly patient person

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Energy is inside out not outside in

Treat her like a queen and she is


ONE needs to realize things for themselves ON their own

 just like so many stories, one of the best is SCROOGE 


OLD EBENEZER SCROOGE the hateful fucker


He had his reasons for being that way...lived his entire life all about money working slaving treating others like worthless slaves ...never celebrating anything or anyone

only realzing at the end of his life that people would celebrate his death

CRY NO MORE over any actions from ASS HOLES .. It is THEM not ME

 they think the same of everyone

treat people differently according to what they think they can get out of them

15 signs you have a magnetic personality that draws people towards you

15 signs you have a magnetic personality that draws people towards you

1) You’re authentic

2) You’re a great listener

3) You’re confident

4) Your optimism is contagious

5) You have a great sense of humor

Do you have a natural ability to make people laugh without hurting or humiliating anyone?

6) You’re eloquent

7) You’re honest and open-minded

8) You’re naturally curious

9) You’re passionate about life

10) You inspire others

11) You’re compassionate and empathetic

12) You maintain positive energy

13) You respect others

You know, respect is a two-way street.

Do you have the ability to respect others’ opinions, even when they differ from your own?

Are you someone who doesn’t shy away from listening to and learning from differing viewpoints?

14) You’re adaptable

Have you noticed how you adapt easily to change and thrive in varying environments?

Are you able to go with the flow without compromising your values and identity?

If this resonates with you, then you possess the magnetism that attracts others.

Your ability to adapt showcases your resilience and strength, making you a positive influence for others.

15) You are self-aware

Are you aware of your strengths and weaknesses and constantly working on improving yourself?

Do you strive to become the best version of yourself each day?

If this sounds like you, then you certainly have a magnetic personality.

Your self-awareness reflects your commitment to personal growth, inspiring others to strive for the same.

How to develop a magnetic personality

Developing a magnetic personality is less about changing who you are, and more about embracing and enhancing the qualities you already possess.

Here are some steps you can take to build your personal magnetism:

1) Practice self-love and self-acceptance

One of the foundations of a magnetic personality is being comfortable with who you are. Embrace your strengths, accept your flaws, and strive for personal growth.

2) Foster good listening skills

People are naturally drawn to those who show genuine interest in their stories and ideas. Practice active listening and show empathy to others.

3) Cultivate positivity

A positive mindset is attractive. Try to maintain an optimistic outlook and spread positivity around you.

4) Work on your communication skills

Effective communication is key in attracting others. Learn how to express your ideas clearly and understand others’ perspectives.

5) Be open to different viewpoints

Showing respect for others’ ideas, even if they’re different from yours, fosters mutual respect and understanding. This ability is crucial for building a magnetic personality.

6) Stay curious

Showing genuine interest in others and the world around you attracts people. Stay curious and keep learning.

7) Display passion and commitment

Passion is infectious. Whether it’s about your work, hobbies, or personal pursuits, let your passion shine.

8) Inspire and motivate others

Use your experiences, knowledge, and insights to inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals. Your willingness to uplift others speaks volumes about your character and makes you more attractive to people.

9) Show compassion and empathy

Being empathetic and compassionate creates a sense of safety and comfort around you. These qualities make people feel valued and understood, and they will naturally feel drawn to you.

10) Embrace change and be adaptable

Being flexible and adaptable in different situations is a key trait of a magnetic personality. This shows your resilience and your ability to thrive in varying circumstances.

11) Nurture your self-awareness

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and knowing what you need to work on, is a fundamental step towards developing a magnetic personality. Stay true to your values and beliefs while maintaining an open mind for personal growth.

12) Practice respect

Respect for others, their ideas, and their spaces makes you more likable and approachable.

Remember, respect is reciprocal, and treating others with kindness and respect invites the same treatment in return.

At the end of the day, remember that your magnetic personality comes from your authentic self.

So, embrace your unique traits and let your natural charisma shine through.

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Unlock the Secret to Fulfilling Relationships: Discover Your Superpower

Do you ever feel like your relationships lack depth and connection? Are you struggling to form meaningful bonds with others? Understanding your unique superpower could be the key to unlocking more fulfilling relationships in your life.

We’ve created a quiz designed to help you uncover your hidden superpowers, which will guide you in cultivating stronger connections with the people around you.

By knowing your true superpower, you’ll gain insight into the qualities that make you special, allowing you to connect with others on a deeper level. Embracing your superpower can help you attract like-minded individuals who appreciate and complement your strengths, paving the way for more satisfying relationships.

Don’t let unfulfilling relationships hold you back any longer. Take our superpower quiz and embark on a journey towards deeper connections and a more meaningful life.

Take the quiz


Maria Fatima Reyes

Fat Niebres is a freelance writer who loves to chase stories that matter. She finds meaning and inspiration in the mundane. When she's not writing, she's probably reading, eating, traveling, or having deep conversations with her husband. She brings her experience in broadcast, print, and NGO communications, and has been published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and


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Thursday, July 13, 2023

He'd rather have material things than me

 Top priority is owning stuff

Instead of being healthy

And joyful with minimal stuff 

Current and ex hub

Man hoarder friend i had have

Lots of people live like this

Prizing possessions

Family threatens to kill doesn't do it

 Threatens to kill, has people call us threatening death by gun bullets Karen sister did also accuses spouse partner of trying to kill her

Jerry chased Mike with a knife threatening to kill him in kingsville MO at Norman Rutherford place

July 11 2023 he pushed shoved me into door

 In living room, my back hitting door knob, dont think i have bruises didnt look

Temper tantrum fit again... shyt the fuck up get out of here

I left went to community center for awhile

Hes half calm when i got back

Only to turn back into bastard again july 12 then i go shopping come back he is semi calm 

Never know triggers when bomb temper is going to drop

Do some slaves not know they are a slave

 And is that the "best" kind.?

Does a slave want a slave

Sunday, July 9, 2023

3 brains


Solar plexus




Middle center


Loser definition. basic core instinct

 Loser male gets no sex from a willing female   she's not willing nor ever wanting his dick inside her because he is a turn off to the max ...

Failure man boy  has to pay money for it

Or pay with merchandise, hard ball busting work

He begs for the sex if he has no money can't do anything for it. She can't stand him. Some females will do it for the money, some even fake liking it with a nasty pig of a male . Shed rather do anything else than let him touch her..

Repulsive reject males ought to use the paid whore prostitute or mother thumb 4 daughters jack off method

and never make a baby.. oughta be sterilized then only cream of crop males would be born. Female will have access for only the best breed of the man male to carry on the race 

If a girl only knew her

Power to choose

Right to reject

Flat out say hell no idiot ass hole

You aren't putting that penis in me or any other being!!!!!

 10 Types of Toxic People to Cut Out of Your Life (

What I put up with daily at home over 30 years with him

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Broken back sally

Teen teenaged teeny tiny bopper tween girls males fascination with

 lots of males men all ages desire fantasize some seize act upon any opportunity to screw especially teen or young looking females


my eldest brother gilbert john wilson junior born january 1949, dead at 52, told me not long before his death he was "in love with" a 14 year old girl lived in northeast kansas city missouri, the area he wandered around in his entire life. 

he was notorious for fucking screwing having sex with many countless females almost anywhere he happened to be. impregnating many of them. there are lots of children he fathered and these individuals have no clue who their dad is. HE WAS, like vast majority, attracted to teeny weens girls HOWEVER he actually had sex with tons of them because he was a real good looking male most of his life and he was FUN to be around acting childlike childish in the beginning of each relationship. After he got what he wanted from these females girls women he would then do 180 schizo psycho and beat them, some severely, blackened eyes broken bones who knows. IN and out of jail he spent his life as not only a woman beater but a thief burglar criminal stealing what ever he could get wherever he happened to be. 

john told me stories about girls often. one female he knew would go to fire stations and the men would fuck her frequently


tom wright 'thomas', friend was in independence missouri, told me when he was young man while he was at work, machine work mowers parts place and young girls would come in to the workplace builing they would all take turns screwing them...and he was in in 50s telling me this and said he often felt guilty and bad now for what he and they did to these girls ..just fucking their brains out using them for sex....   and he told me lots of guys will hire women who will come and clean your house while they are naked undressed wearing nothing at all,,, it is a real turn on for guys-------------------

JIM Mccleery works worked at super flea who made passes at me and also told me the owner whats his name was married and would bring in get teen girls who live around the flea market have them come in to the building...he lived way up on top floor and screw as many girls as he could. marriage meant nothing to him. i remember that guy who was a nasty mean snearing made fun of me one day i worked there and was wearing my purse pack in front he laughed stupidly at me. what an ugle ugly undesirable thing he was.. to me, anyway. 


BRICE, 27 year old male: answered question i asked at gas station one day. 4 cute teen girls came in, all looking totally different ; height, weight, hair color, clothes, ... they walked out the door after he silently watched them then i asked him "which one of those 4 would you like if you had the chance?"  he answered " ALL OF THEM !!"     Obvisouly he's not that picky and and told me so. 


my father told me about pete sveda sjeda and guys owned heating cooling 75th and prospect they would get the young girls in the office screw the hell out them go home to their wives.

joe sprofera dead years ago tried to get me to go to motel room with him .. i was 16 years old living with my father he was one of my dads co work associate friends. joseph, married to michelle with several teen daughters of his own...

virgil .. owner of heating a/c business old married man .. i was working telemarketing sales in the office. one eve my husband left for a service call no one else was in the building the other workes all went home ...old virgil huge fat obese man walked up behind me scaring the hell out of me put his nasty hands on my chest ...i was such a skinny thinner thing at the time maybe 110 lbs and he said 'oh there's alot more there on your chest than it looks" frozen with fear i didnt move said nothing somehow calmly walked back over to my chair desk with the phone i worked at said my husband is coming back soon.....

uncle dennis , married at the time, i was 16 said i would fuck you if you weren't with him ( my boyfriend)

uncle larry tried to get me, rumors from his ex wife judy and then current wife barb said he'd fuck a knot hole in the wall

uncle paul tried to get me admitted he is a womanizer and was his entire life

I was 17 18 husband perry and i visited his old man friend nicknamed fingers because he was good at playing cards, he grabs me in hallway while i walk behind my hubby and turns me around tries to force kiss me while i hold my baby ricky..i manage to push him away...what a nasty old man he was 

He will nail it any chance he gets

No conscience without guilt

Lies vehemently claims is innocent even caught red handed...if he finally has to admit choiceless then blames wife gf for his infidelity when fact is it was his instinct choice she had nothing to do with making him do anything..perfect blame game to shirk responsibility for his sheer lack of self control

Some cant differentiate between fantasy and reality. It is merged in the mind as real

Constantly on lookout for a victim or a willing partner participant. 

Any action inaction is taken /perceived as a sign shes ready or not here he comes

cousin carl tried i was 16

cousins when i visited kansas 

half brothers i was 16, 17, 

neighbors, friends of boyfriends bfs, girl friends bfs husbands, co workers, customers at each place i have worked, relatives of mine, relatives of my spouse, in laws, outlaws, nice guys, mean guys, clean or dirty looking males, teen age boys neighbors

every single job i have worked at there are those making passes activly looking for sex 

accosted at business locations such as gas stations grocery store, walmart, thrift stores, chicken restaurant such as church's tastys fish and chicken, at fast food, casual, diners, 

this is an extremely common thing that happens to pretty cute attractive females anywhere world wide


MARK H, a friend of mine stated: IT doens't matter HOW OLD THEY ARE, if they LOOK GOOD....

Smile even though you're teeth have been kicked in/out

I Make the most out of what little trash i have to work with

ghetto poverty signs of. neighborhood toilet

trash garbage refuse all over streets yards neighborhood businesses parks

car washes, lots of them

fried chicken restaurants

fast food restaurants common / dominant in majority of area city town

liquor stores / convenient quick shop stores common 

casual or fine dining restaurants few or closed

shopping malls closing or closed 

movie theaters disappear close closing

nice large chain stores closing

selling cigarettes other smoking things individually on the counter or in bins of ice inside the store

sirens frequently heard : police, ambulances, fire trucks, er, emergency rescue vehicles

stray animals common

killed people injured

shootings rampant

dead animals found abused starved neglected

child abuse

spouse abuse

family abuse

fancy looking cars parked on street

windows bashed out in houses businesses

super loud music playing from vehicles homes

litter strewn about; trash often close to a trash can lying on the ground anywhere

unkempt yards, cars

piles of stuff lying about in the yard ; front, back, sides

large garbage bags thrown on side of road or randomly in parking lots

graffiti is common ; might be anywhere

brightly colored places of business or homes/houses. colors like orange, purple, pink, yellow

curtains tightly closed in occupied homes houses

barbecuing / cooking food in the front yard often witnessed / seen

front porch sitters often seen

beggars asking me for money or "gas money" virtually anywhere in the area such as gas stations, grocery stores, shopping areas, restaurants, any place of business

residents have neighbors that know no boundaries; they will come running up to the person living there and grab things out of their sack upon arriving home from the store or grocery store

auto theft and vandalism is common occurrance any time of day often at night

lots of fast food trash strewn about

individual serving size beverage containers and snacks, candy bars, candy, sweets, chip bags purchased and tossed about randomly anywhere and everywhere

squatters homeless staying in or around abandoned houses buildings old businesses

real estate lady at REMAX told me it is not "IF" they will squat but "WHEN" they will do it

"adult" erotic porn pornographics stores bars taverns naked partially naked dance dancers 

living for the minute moment day is common; planning ahead is rare

patience is far and few between in the people

reckless driving racing vehicles cars trucks common

loud noisy unkempt cared for cars exist as well as super cared for fancy big cars with non oem wheels tires emblems ornaments

Is imitation creativity or intelligence?

 Or is it the ability to mock , copy , repeat 

what is seen heard 


 4 redwood Court Belton Missouri

Old previous address. The gas leaked in pipe in side of the range in kitchen. I was cooking dinner one night and the left side of stove / range metal started swelling out  / bulging.  I screamed and ed mertz husband came into kitchen saw it, found the wrench and immediately turned off gas coming to the stove and saved us . The place could have blown up we might have died: him, our son Clayton, a baby at the time,me and possibly even our neighbors living in attached duplex.

1984 or 1985

Remember ed towing me in my 73 Pontiac grand prix car, ice on it's windshield, I could barely see my head out the side of open window below zero temperature

in dec I suppose it was year

1985 because dec 85 when we moved to 7203 e 108th St Kansas City MO, the bad decision he made, ed threw a temper tantrum with his mommy when at first she said no I'm not helping you buy it

I called it the Ruskin dumper

Friday, July 7, 2023

Spirit is unique

 becky rebecca said the spirit remains the same individual *esssence

and lives on after death of the physical body

4th of July ruined

 No fireworks display seen

Misery miserable company walked

Sooo so tired exhausted

 Don't know what is wrong with me


 No such things exist

Knight in shining armor



Where are they going, Grandma?

 cars speeding around us while I am driving

damon is in the backseat

grandma, where are they going?

nowhere, i said

some people think they have to drive fast and

they are going to get there faster

if they go too fast they may not get there at all









Imagine what others are imagining

My hips and thighs flower when i eat flour

Monday, July 3, 2023

Control : What it's all about

 anger results when i lack control over anything

then i transform that anger into understanding

when i realize i am not in control of certain things

i let it go ..............

then go back to doing things that i do have contol over

How to pick a fight

Say "you should"

Shoot orders



Destroy anothers work, creation

Condemn values of one

Steal anything 



Disrupt anyones anything: their routines, space, lives, job, hobbies

Hurt physically, mentally them or theirs

Crowd them out

Talk over

Fiber one bars locked me up

 Instead of letting me go 

10 Seconds is all you get

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Screaming in a Vacuum

 no one hears me

Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude." -- Ralph Marston

 Your Daily Quotation:

"Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude."

-- Ralph Marston

Multiply self through efforts of others ; networking

 accomplish more doing less

each one does only what their desire is

Self protection. Maintain unique self and beauty.

awareness of tips of iceberg ; the tip reveals the contents 

 refrain from destructive negative things don't want and be totally aware of it

towards burning desire of needs and wants according to the self

focus; isolation

choose thoughts carefully

discernment with places people activities

Saturday, July 1, 2023



NARCISSISTS better than everyone else and never wrongs

PSYCHOPATHS cruel, manipulative and abusive

NEGATIVE NANCYS AND DEBBIE DOWNERS the glass is always half empty

COMPULSIVE LIARS can't stop lying and cheating

GOSSIPS judge others behind their backs and spread rumors

MEDDLERS insert their opinion where it doesn't belong

CONTROL FREAKS things have to go their way or else

PERPETUAL VICTIMS owe is me, the world is so cruel

RIGHTEOUS RAGEAHOLICS always angry about something

CONSTANT CRITICS condemn small flaws in others, ignore massive ones in themselves

GASLIGHTERS deny your reality by distorting facts or lying

BULLIES target the vulnerable to feel superior

ATTENTION SEEKRS always have to be the center of attention

PARANOIDS someone is out to get me, trust no one

ADDICTS OF ANY KIND only care about feeding their addiction

love spreading appeals to me naturally