Saturday, September 2, 2023

Met an empath lady named Christy, age 52 today.

 Immediate sister type social interaction with her.

She revealed the same and similar life experiences. Common ground.

She's working 9 am to 7 pm daily. Only has 2 days off in the next couple of months.

Living with a male adult who acts like he is 14 and 3 cats. Tells people she has 4 teenagers (him and the cats) and has no children.

Stays in her room most of the time like I do. HE makes the rest of the house the way he wants as if he is age 14. She tells him she won't go in there as long as it looks like that. She tells him to clean up his own messes.

Sounds sooo familiar.

Her mother was married 18 years to verbally orally physically abusive father and she finally left him when she discovered her daughter was planning a double suicide with her girlfriend due to the massive household abuse.

It does NOT make me feel better knowing any other person lives with this type of behavior and had to endure emotional and physical abuse. It shows me that people can survive, are very strong like she is and life can go on without being tormented daily.

What is the bright side like every day?

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