Thursday, January 18, 2024

 the frustrated male

seeking different females to have sex with

he is focused on the same work hobbies activities

desires access to have sex with as many girls women as possible

lies to others, girl friend wife partner or mate about his desires and conquests

and what he says and does while he is out and about alone

tramping around the area anywhere he goes

looking for physical encounters with strangers

to satisfy the primal urge need of the male

typically he is focused on his same old work 

and hobbies and whatever he is interested in

and unconscioulsy subconsciously

seeking someone else out there


'i need some strange'

said by a male relative of mine many years ago

my eldest brother was staying at my house 

he was a drug addict drunk drinking beer everyday even in the morning

and he would have encounters with any female he 

happened to come across

even though he was a loser as far as life ratings go

he could never hold down a regular job anywhere

would work in little spurts when younger

had no home no place of his own to live

no car, no possessions except for the clothes on his back 

and he was dirty filthy stinky stunk of body odor armpits were 


still, even though he had nothing to offer a woman except for

his one thing; his penis, dick

and a punch in the face when he was done with her

notorious for beating the shit hell our of every girl he

had sex with

i see this same pattern worldwide

it is personally experienced for me and witnessed 

on a daily basis my entire life

it is depicted in books, stories, movies, films, plays

constant theme of the male searching to mate 

with females any and everywhere imaginable even if it is

only in his mind filled with fantasies on fucking all these 

girls women or whatever he is wanting to screw at the moment

this is what drives him

this is why he is restless

why he goes out

he feels to need to run

he can have the same old reliable woman at home

his partner, his wife, friend with benefits

she can be the most willing and have sex with him 

whenever he wants, do what he wants trying to please

and it is never enough for his body

he still seeks pussy out there anywhere he can find it

his testosterone drives him crazy 

in his mind 

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