Sunday, January 21, 2024


 I don't care

what you want

how you feel

what you think

about your opinion

You just don't want to do it

you don't want to work

you're lazy

you have 2 broken legs and can't just don't want to do it 

you piss the bed because you are too lazy to get up ( regarding an old man who wore adult diapers and had type ii diabetes and a long list of medical ailments)

I don't need to hear your excuses

you make up excuses for everything

that's just an excuse

you need to go to work/school even though you fell on a curb and have skull fracture head concussion and cant see have a pounding headache

you need to mow the fkking grass i dont care if you have allergies to ragweed pollen dander or anything

you are just a fat lazy bitch 

You dont like that food it makes you sick I dont give a fuck eat it anyway that is all youre gonna get you ungrateful little brat bastard bitch

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