Thursday, January 25, 2024

I'm the first one of us to get computer, internet, cell phone

October 31, 1999. He the husband objected, acted confused, reluctant, worried about the cost of my new computer and the isp monthly fee. . I remember him telling the road runner cable internet tv guy as he was installing internet on my computer at our house  "i dont know what she thinks shes doing" referring to me, when we first got internet service right after i bought my first computer that day.

I got a cell phone that year too. He hub didnt want one, said he had no use for it. Just costs me money, he said. Couldnt see why i wanted one..i stressed safety feeling i had with my tmobile flip phone especially when I was away from home.

I got at&t dsl internet at work in 2005 and switched my cell service to att. The man at work denied the need for internet there and a cell phone, just like hub. By 2007, eight years after i got my first cell phone, hub insisted i get him a cell phone with his own number and line of course.

Today he is constantly on the internet and keeps his cell phone close by at all times.

The man i used to work with jan 2000 to sep 2008 denied need for cell and internet service and ended up dying with cell phone and attached expensive headphones on his head with the phone charger constantly plugged into heavy duty extension cable all of which i bought for him as he laid in his death bed for two years: may 2021 to may 9 2023 in hospitals ending with long term care nursing home in independence missouri.

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