Thursday, January 25, 2024

Difference between me and her, the famous one woman/women

 I chose to love loving fools first before loving and respecting myself

Getting pregnant at 16 then 21 and marrying losers who didnt love me, blocked my desire to obtain a higher education thus eliminating possibilty of making more money

I put family first, the husband and children, my career success second or not at all

I perform unpaid unappreciated denigrated wifely womanly household duties errands and chores : 

washing dishes daily after we eat the food I shopped for, put away, stored and cooked

Washing and sewing mending clothes laundry

Cleaning floors windows doors cars 

Yard work grass mowing not much anymore

I perform for free with no recognition and no pay the duties of counselor psychologist nurse doctor mother partner tagalong helpmate confidante trustee secretary night watchman person whore to have sex with while he fantasizes about and masturbates to women in magazines music and movies

I have no admirers no friends 

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