Friday, February 16, 2024

Defiance? natural me not conforming nor adopting to things i cant do

I am normal weight avg ht 5'5" avd 130 lbs

Blood work good

Low or normal blood pressure

No diabetes

No cancer

I dont drink soda

i drink black coffee usually folgers and plain black tea 

i dont drink milk

I drink water more than any other drink

I wait to drink liquids until i am finished eating meal or snack food

i eat massive amounts of popcorn lots of butter and salt

I eat no breakfast

I eat late at night

I wont eat it unless i am in the mood for it

I am nocturnal

Avoid large crowds

No interest in combat contact sports

I chooses solo sports and activities

Not a groupie

Not religious

Not political

No 9 to 5 

No or minimal makeup

No extra calcium pills

Sunbathe use no or minimal sunscreen

No otc

No prescription drugs

Rarely watch the news

I can gain a few pounds in a few months by eating 2 or more slices of bread almost daily

I buy clothing according to my preference period

I buy food i choose

I eat what I am in the mood for

I dont brown nose

I am real, genuine

I dont fake stuff

I talk too much which i need to stop doing

I cuddle my 41 year old stuffed teddy bear and i dont care what anyone thinks about me doing that 

I believe in self expression and support it

I am avoided as a close friend by the majority of people

I have an IQ if 133, meaningless as the ink used to print it on paper

I can take care of myself 

I know how to satisfy myself completely

If my husband is not available I am always there for my physical needs and i dont need anyone else

I write anything on my mind knowing i can toss the paper when i am done

I refuse to agree with anything i dont believe in

I do not totally agree with everything from one book, person, group or anything else 

I am not always aware of someone looking at me

I reflect frequently

Waterproof mascara required on the rare occassions i wear it

I cry easily

I laugh easily

I am slow to anger

I dont have revenge, vengeful thoughts and actions very often

Mentally i am in my 20s or teens


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Political and religious obsessed people

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