Saturday, February 17, 2024

People usually end up with opposite types after a break up divorce.

 A thing I noticed, observed througout my life.

If the person was blond/blonde they end up with a dark haired or red haired brunette/auburn hair person.

If the former spouse was into being independent doing things on their own they end up with a person who doesn't get involved in fixing, inquiring, repairing things or figuring things out.  My ex's stepdad was married to a blonde do it yourself take charge woman for many years. He cheated on her with another woman who was also blonde but didn't know how to do much of anything regarding repairs; she was just an office worker secretary type. The wife came home unexpectedly and caught him in bed with this secy woman. Later he did marry the secy and is still married to her now. 

My projection is that if my husband seeks out or gets another female it would likely be one who looks nothing like me and one who is quiet and eventually gets involved helping him do mans work at his beck and call and will do things exactly as he wants them without question. So he would probably be attracted to a blonde woman with large boobs/breasts who doesn't talk much, is secretive, not very friendly and cowtows to him. She probably won't cook from scratch things like soup, roasts, etc except she would cook only the types of food he likes: homemade oatmeal cookies, peanut butter cookies. 

He is extremely visual, always looking. He is very focused on EYES, hair, boobs and butt/ass. I really think he doesn't care that much if she in intelligent and inquisitive or a real self starter. He would be happy with the robot type who looks like a doll and does anything he wants at the drop of a hat, at his command. 

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