Thursday, October 3, 2024

Junk Man

 Wanders around getting supply for his all of his needs from many sources, mostly from people

Ignores, abuses wife girlfriend partner spouse

He invalidates minimizes woman frequently saying invalidating comments such as: 
 "It is no big deal" "I don't understand", "What do you expect/want from me?!", "I don't care what you want. This is what I want." "It's my way or the highway", "I don't have to put up with your shit", "What do you expect me to do, treat you like a queen?", "You have no common sense",  

He talks in a condescending manner about most people and is the worst with his partner

Is not affectionate at home or in public

Will not hug kiss or embrace his woman in front of anyone else

He rarely if ever compliments his wife

He eyeballs and stares at other females when with his wife. Totally rude.

He has an obvious wandering eye wherever he goes. He cranks his head to see people when he is driving and in any store, place or environment he happens to be in

He flirts with the waitress either visually or orally talking saying words even in front of his spouse

He can become suspiciously quiet in the presence of others he is attracted to in an attempt to appear cool and nonchalant as if he is a true gentleman

He expects wife to be a workhorse slave then gives her no credit for her work, duties, help, intelligence, accomplishments, beauty, success, purpose, life

Resentful and reluctant to do anything for wife. He acts like its a chore. He is hateful and dreads having to do anything for his mate

Will bend over backwards for anyone else

Often lives with mommy and daddy as long as possible sometimes for his entire life

Has no urge to move out on his own when typical teenager desires to get a place of their own as soon as possible

Does not want children or any responsibility for them

He maximizes his importance regarding his duties, work, interests, hobbies, ideas, thoughts, needs, wants, desires

He blocks spouse from formal education unless she already obtained a diploma or college degree before he met her. If she already has a professional education he downgrades her accomplishments and intelligence, her abilities and dreams and aspirations

He takes credit for anything he deems positive in life and blames partner for anything that goes wrong

He prides himself on how smart and clever he thinks he is

He calls most people stupid, thieves, robbers, burglars

He says most people will take whatever they can get and do anything they think they can get by with. Anything, regardless of laws.

Laws don't apply to him

He is a showoff and hates people that brag

He likes to keep things a complicated mess 

He imagines he is in control of all people and things around him

Cleanliness, order, accounting and efficiency upset and appall him

He glues his face into the tv, the media, his object of interest at the time and often states how amazing some people are when they do bizarre things that they began practicing since they were children

He cant understand how or why some people are wealthy for "doing nothing" 

He is easily awestruck by performers in the entertainment industry

He is never in awe about his mate surviving all of his abuse

He is getting filthy dirty often. Some take a shower. Some don't.

His body odor doesnt bother him much. Other peoples odors usually do. He wont do anything about it unless people he is trying to impress someone and they complain about how much he stinks

He grabs and eats food that is not his. He will not wait for the entire meal to be served for him or anyone else. He freely takes over another persons refrigerator, cabinets, pantry, shelves, counters or the like. He acts like an unruly savage.

He will not consider the safety of others. He strews things about and does not care if someone else could trip fall hurt themselves. These types often hate night lights, motion sensors or adequate proper lighting that remains on. 

He often lives in junk hoarding piles of accumulated stuff sometimes trash

Waits till the last minute to get rid of garbage

Uses things and people up until they are worn out exhausted dead

Seems to be unaware of how obnoxious he is

Proud of himself when he takes advantage of some stupid naive sucker fool.

He spits about wherever he happens to be. If he uses snuff snus chew chewing tobacco he spits it anywhere disregarding the fact that someone else might step in it. 

He sneezes out loud without covering his face.

He belches loud, farts passes gas and makes other noises without so much as a glimpse of a polite apology

He refuses to open or unlock a door for people especially his wife

He often has a limited vocabulary. Some of them use cuss/curse words often.

He is a hypocrite. What is good for him is not good for his wife, family or other people

He refuses to get dressed up in nice clothes. He prefers to wear the same old things daily, usually blue jeans, the same type of shirts and shoes daily. 

He expects his partner to look good only for him.

He expects to her to smile and be in a good mood regardless of the abuse, insulting comments, threats and negligence he tosses out to her daily if not hourly

Prefers fast food and portioned out items already cooked and prepared by someone else. Something easy to eat without having to think about it.  Instant premade processed food is most desired . Shopping getting all ingredients cooking homemade food is too hard takes too much time and besides cooking and being a cook is considered a lowly worthless mundane job which he feels he is too good and superior to do. 

He watches like a hawk what other people do, judging, rating, grading, criticizing, counting every bite of food they eat, how they look, how they are dressed, what they are doing, how they smell,  how much money they cost him, how much of his precious time they wasted.

Stingy with time, attention, money and things

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