Saturday, January 4, 2025

I wonder if my husband is a killer

the psychological phases serial killers

I feel uneasy. He acts strange controlling antisocial paranoid, is jekyll and hyde. Was never popular in school. Collects all kinds of things. Panics if he thinks I will throw anything away out in the garbage.

Grew up in dire poverty. At age 11 had first inside bathroom.

I have no solid proof. Only evidence of his quirky behavior.

Things laying around the house..I found some odd looking jewelry rings and pins in a zip baggie in his computer tray table several weeks ago. Who do they belong to? No clue. I haven't told him I have them. Womens big rings that I would never wear. If I confronted him he would probably say/claim he found them when he used to go metal detecting. 

He has lots of trinkets in his bedroom and an unknown number of items in the house and garage and sheds.

Many years ago our neighbor across the street, Donald Rogers, said that the serial killer Richard Grissom was a friend of the man who used to live here. He claimed he saw this guy come in and visit this house several times and he claimed he saw 2 young girls enter this house and never come back out way back in the 90s right before the killer was finally caught. Don said that one night the light was on all night in the garage and he heard very loud machinery noises coming out of the doors clear across the street. ... Several years later I encountered a man who worked at a plus pawn that was at 93rd and blue ridge blvd kcmo and he said he knew the police officer cop who worked on the case. The officers suspected that the girls who came up missing were put into a wood grinder chipper shredder chopper then the bodies disposed of dumped somewhere never to be found. The guy who lived here at the time was in lawn care tree business and owned equipment like that. Might explain why to this day the girls have not been found. 

My husband dissed the entire thing saying he didn't believe it. Showed zero interest in discovering any possible evidence that might be here anywhere in the house or on the property. I seriously wanted to have investigators come in and check everything here and use stuff like luminol on all the walls. They say blood stains never go away even if painted over.

he wont watch any stories or news things about killers. he doesnt like horror movies says they are too easy to figure out. he said its all about control, it is that simple.

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