Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Clutter = Crazy = Costly

 Causes inability to focus. Interruptions cause lack of completion of thought and activity. When we can't complete a creative moment we go nuts.

Disorganized life is time consuming. Takes more time to find things and complete tasks.  Costs money. 

Disorganized mind creates constant chaos, confusion and fights with other people. The hoarding clutterbug defends their right to own way too much stuff. They come up with excuses as to why they must keep all of this junk lying around. Argue, arguments arise frequently due to the desire to keep unnecessary things and inability to function with ease. Simple tasks become difficult problems.

Limited movement ability throughout the house, home, yard. Hoarder restricts the movement of things and people, pets, anyone or thing around them eventually leading to the point they have packed themselves into a corner, a hole and have only one place to sit in the house like John did. He had one recliner chair in the living room reserved for himself. There was nowhere else for anyone else to sit. He rarely had visitors, company, friends and had no relatives alive. 

John prided himself on information in his head. He detested cleaning anything and saw no importance in cleanliness or maintenance. 

Frustration mounts quickly. Yelling, cussing. A bomb temper tantrums. 

Cleaning is a nightmare. The clutterbug likes to put something somewhere and leave it there permanently. Cardboard boxes of varying sizes, kinds and types are found throughout the place. 

The kitchen table and other tabletop surfaces are often cluttered with all kinds of things that belong in a cabinet and out of sight. They put everything out in the open so they "can find it easily". 

In the hoarder houses and areas I have visited I noticed that often the only place they straighten up is their bed. The sheets and blanket are somewhat straight and they rarely wash any of their bedding. 

John Layson, Harlow Jundy, Stan Mathes, Norman Rutherford, 

Finding things is difficult. Each place in the home is like a landfill. The refrigerator is packed with so much miscellaneous stuff it is a challenge just to get one thing out of the fridge. The same applies to closets, cabinets, dressers, shelving units. It is a laborious effort to get one simple thing done. 

Inefficient methods cause insanity.

Too much stuff overwhelms the mind. 

Interrupting people causes them to get angry.


My father detested messes, clutter, filth, dirtiness. My sister Joyce and I are the same way.

The times I have lost my temper in regarding living in a chaotic dirty mess. This sets me off bad. 

His method was the dishes if you left them dirty in the kitchen sink. "If you can't clean them up you don't deserve them".

A rather rough way to get the messaage across. A message I always remember.

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