Monday, January 13, 2025

DEVILMENT. Activities done in private or away from home.

Some people are simply up to no good at certain times and in certain places.

Who does this type of thing? Who is most likely to be doing corrupt things when they think no one is looking? 

My guess is the suspicious person who is always looking around watching other people. Checking out the environment to see who might be looking at them or in their house or car or whatever place they happen to be in.

They hate to be recorded. Hate the security cameras all over. Are paranoid of police and law enforcement.

Think someone is watching them and following them. Think if they are shopping somewhere someone is going to accuse them of stealing. 

Guilty of theft they are always afraid of being caught. They are reluctant to let people in their house because they think people rummage through their stuff, look around the house to see if there is something they want to steal and fear that some things they stole from someone else might be seen by the person or people they let into the house.

They believe they are being spyed on when they are the ones spying on others. 

The partners they choose (wife, husband or live in) are often directly opposite of them. The mate will be open, honest, trustworthy, nonchalant and never worried about being spyed on, stolen from, watched, tracked or caught doing anything wrong. Often the innocent partner has no idea what devilment this devil is doing behind their closed bedroom door, garage or any other place at home. They don't have any idea what this devil does when they leave the house.

These devils are guilty as sin. Often they accuse their partner/wife/husband of doing the very things they are doing or have done. They accuse anyone anywhere of being dishonest, cheating, lying, stealing, robbing, grabbing anything they can illegally. 

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