Saturday, January 11, 2025

Easily distracted he is

 cant stay focused on our conversation

cant stay seated during a meal when we are eating

keeps cell phone close responds to texts or calls immediately regardless of what he is doing

gets up many times goes to another room or outside while eating

eats snacks while walking around the house.

checks weather constantly throughout the day

cuts me off when i am talking

finishes my sentences

wont look me in the eye

announces he is leaving house a few minutes beforehand. sometimes gives no notice and rarely leaves a note

cant focus on what i say when we in close vicinity

scrambles my words and meanings

misses about half of what i say because he is not paying attention

plays computer chess staring at screen when we are talking in living room

headphones on most of the evening listening to conspiracy news . falls asleep in chair wearing headphones

when i am gone blasts stereo with shit

scrambled brains

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