Thursday, January 16, 2025

He always has to think he is in charge

 he re-does whatever i do

makes decisions on purchases without me

has to one up whatever i do

find fault with each and every thing i do 

try to make me feel like i made wrong decisions

try to make me second guess myself as if he knows how i feel and should think and do

says you should ....feel, think, act, do, dress, go, eat, drink, work at ....fill in the blank

cannot stand to be in the vehicle when i am driving

thinks the seat and mirrors adjusted for him should also be correct for me

cant stand differences or changes of any kind unless he initiates them

"father knows best" "i am god and in control of you and the neighbors, people/friends/family we know and I know exactly what they need to be doing"

just like his dead brother john lee stillwell, another man who thought he was god, a control freak and tried to dominate his wife rosie

he tells me how i should open an envelope, a package of snacks/potato chips, tortillas, anything and gets angry if the bag rips saying i just don't know how to properly open it

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