Saturday, January 11, 2025

He is / does

 chronic complainer, naysayer, whiner, grouch

rigid, inflexible, mean, vindictive, hateful

negative attitude on just about everything (people pointed this out to me many years ago but i didnt realize it at the time because i have a positive outlook on life)

cheapskate penny pincher 

knows cost of everything, value of nothing

focuses on lack instead of abundance

will not change

nitpicking criticizer fault finding

detail oriented with mechanical, wood, work projects

his physical appearance is top priority 

every hair in place

emphasizes paying bills on time and being on time/early for things

projects his self ideas imaginations upon me and others saying things like 'i know what you are thinking and what he/she is thinking' and is wrong most of the time

cant figure out how anyone has alot of money without breaking their back/physical body at work or any other activity

says they dont deserve to make or have that much money regarding any person in high paying job or field 

fear based on most things

says what if often

prepares for disasters and loss

diy do it yourself thinks he can do just about everything himself and no one can do a job as good as him

constantly tells me things i already know and can figure out for myself as if i can't figure it out and have senses of my own

treats me like a baby, a child and and idiot

thinks he knows best in most things as if others dont know and arent smart or good enough 

acts like other people cant do their job


drives too fast


early in the morning does things 

thinks he is going to miss out

arrogant, egotistical, hypocritical, belligerent, obstinate/stubborn, obtuse/dense/can't understand

clean about his body, showers usually at least once a day

gets dirty filthy sweaty almost every day

cuts firewood and uses fireplace to save on electricity heating bill instead of figuring out how to make more money to pay the bills

ebenezer scrooge

money is his god

only believes after he sees and often says i cant believe that even after seeing or experiencing it

thinks everything is a fight, things are always hard, difficult, frustrating and back breaking

says nothing comes easy 

opportunistic/takes advantage of any person or situation for self gratification

scared to death someone is going to see my body (my ass/butt/boobs/tits) and has always tried to get me to cover myself up and try to look ugly and unappealing

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