Friday, January 10, 2025

He ruins everything. Nothing is fun.

 it is all about his frustration and anger

his inability to come up with easy solutions to anything

he deems almost everything as "it's complicated"

views the world as full of crime, war, stupid people

each meal time is complaints about something

each activity a miserable disaster. taking a walk, to going to the zoo or

walk at a mall, shopping at any store such as price shopper, aldis, savealot, walmart, eating/dining at any restaurant

each and any thing i do around him becomes an angry filled frustrating mess by the way he acts like i cant do anything right and he thinks he knows best as if he in charge of everything and knows it all

he instantly criticizes other people in the vicinity saying the most nasty mean raw things about them that if these people heard him say it they would never talk to or look at him again

many times i asked him what do you think tracy or sharon or anyone else you slam would think or feel if you said that rotten thing to their face?

he is a warlike trouble maker just like all of the members of his family i have met

i am the one under attack the most because i live here and he wont go straight to the person he is pissed at and tell them what he thinks of them

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