Tuesday, January 14, 2025

john layson family info found today and other things

 today i find out that john layson's mother bernadine elaine miles who married jf layson was living at this address 817 main st kansas city missouri when she got married to quentin frank layson

found the address on mo archives with this picture of a black cat wearing a pink collar on a postcard american organ company advertisement. i am a black cat lover. bernadine played the organ. i sold that organ to a church at 87th and blue ridge a few years ago when john layson was in the hospital.

she died at 5151 raytown rd, raytown missouri Park Lane Medical center June 18, 1992 .ironically enough it is next to the church where I began going every wednesday for the food pantry at the brooking heights baptist church. next to these are the river of refuge homeless shelter. close by is where two rivers psychiatric was located and i used to visit my paranoid schizophrenic brother in law gerald olney stillwell there back in 1998 99 2000 ish

coincidences? from the grave ? she called.. i dont know. not sure if i believe in all of that. just going by what i found, know, remember and experienced. 

bernadine elaine miles/ layson  

january 17, 1915 to june 18, 1992

i never met her but from what i was told she was a very classy lady always expecting proper manners and behavior from people. she ran off and banned several people from coming into her yard or house when they were disrespectful.  i wish i would have known her.... a real true lady 
she had the best looking yard in the neighborhood. 8413 spring valley rd, raytown, mo 64138. she played the organ, was a seamstress, great cook, fabulous at decorating the house all the time especially for the holidays. she was clean neat meticulous orderly beautiful and very motherly. she adopted john who was born november 13, 1946 when he was a baby. she never told john who his real parents are and john had no interest in finding out. i asked him about it and he said i would never do that it would have made my mother very mad...

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