Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Loser males do not respect the female girl woman/women

 and when she gets upset due to their nasty rude disgusting behavior and rotten disrespectful insulting comments 

they say she is complaining, a bitch, nagging, demanding, stupid. worthless, dumb, a sucker

expects her to cowtow to him and like it. she is to neglect herself and put him first at all times

he makes messes expects me and her to clean them up

some of these guys do not clean up after themselves

their body stinks

they pick their nose, their feet and do stuff like pet the animals dogs cats or any other animals bugs insects and dont wash their hands before eating or sticking fingers in their mouth or anything else. spreading dirty hands, filth, germs 

sneezing and blasting it all over the room without covering their mouth

once in awhile they act nice only to get something they want and once they get it the female is the doormat again. ignored. shoved aside.

male pushes female to limits checks boundaries to see how far she will go, how low and nasty she can be stooping to his level of rot

any disgusting immoral thing on their mind is a thing they will try to get her to do..some men actually like to watch female eat shit or drink piss and get off on it

once sex has happened she is quickly discarded and disrespected treated like trash on the street

the woman they lust for and never get might be the only one or ones they respect. virgin whore complex.

they shoot orders, are bossy and think they are the boss in charge of me or you

disregard feelings of others

often get a "gift" for her or someone which is the wrong thing and expect me or you to be happy with it

do not give one rats ass if what they say or do makes me or you cry, in fact they probably enjoy seeing the misery on my face. it makes them feel more powerful and strong. me crying in front of them is a big mistake. he laughs or gets angry if i do.

believe in this is my house i will do as i damn please and i dont care how you feel, what you want, think say or do

some hide sneak around run off and do lots of dirty things away from home so she the girlfriend or wife wont see it so he wont have to face consequences

he expects a puppet doll who is silent and complies with all of his demands immediately

during courtship in the beginning might play the game of faking it and doing some things she likes to do but he actually hates doing a lot of things she or i like and you wont find out until you are already hooked in love with him and it is too late

refuses to do anything he does not like or is not good at

if he is a cheapskate will not pay for sex or any type of thing a woman likes. if he has money he might pay for sex and want to keep his whores a big secret from society so he looks good and doesnt go to jail. 

he will not listen to anything she says advises or knows. he minimizes her thoughts ideas suggestions

he minimizes any type of pain or suffering she experiences

sometimes he comes up with "fixes" to her problems or issues that never work

he loves chaos disorder, disruption, stinking piles of shit lying around

he is a poor communicator. language comprehension is lacking

at times he pretends to understand then shows he does not have a clue what you are saying

he does terrible things then feigns ignorance acting like he didnt know he said or did anything wrong

rarely takes responsibility for what he says or does

if he apologizes it is fake. he says sorry then does it again . 

blames others for his mistakes and abusive behavior

takes credit for all goods, money, material things possessions ..anything considered beneficial

he is a spirit killer. brings other people down and it makes him feel superior

he expects absolute freedom in all he does

he restricts her and children at all times

he has to step on peoples heads to make himself look bigger and taller

he wants all windows blinds and curtains shut so no one can see in the house. 

he would likely go to jail if neighbors could see in there and hear what goes on and comes out of his mouth

he wont listen to the females warnings about safety issues, taking precautions and being prepared

he is a threat to the human race when he is the antisocial type who refuses to get involved or ask for help . he thinks he can survive all alone and gives no one else credit for his survival and all of the things he has in his life

he is ungrateful, selfish, egotistical

his head is in the toilet of all kinds of shit which can include any type of negative destructive thing such as pornography, fights. war, battles, games.  politics, religion, criminal activities, theft. fraud. money stealing. murder rape torture.

he acts like a pig and expects me and women to be gracious and ignore it and make excuses for his bad behavior

he fakes politeness in public and upon first meeting

he thinks he is entitled and deserves everything automatically

he thinks he has authority 

he demands to be respected and us not respectful to all

he might do anything to get money

some get a hoard of women.

a harem to serve them. a pimp, hustler, 

he thinks his money possessions big business and knowledge lets him get anyone or anything he wants

his partner and children is the main target of his frustration and anger. he usually wont face the real target and cause of his anger such as the boss at work or a neighbor.  


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