In the beginning all of him was good. In my eyes. In my heart. He had my devotion. I should say I gave him my heart. He didn't give me his but I didn't realize it at the time. Blinded by my hormones and wishful thinking I ignored every red flag there was.
Sex was good. It has always been good. The best of anyone I have ever been with.
Things about him looked great to me. He fit the bill for the man I had been searching for. Single. Soft spoken. Nice appearance; fit and clean. Intelligent. Kind, patient, calm, gentle, not pushy. Didn't take advantage of me. Slow, steady. Humble. Reliable. Honest. Detail oriented.
As time went on he became the opposite of all of those things except his physical appearance.
I realize now that one can live with someone else for years and not really know everything about them. I only know what I have experienced in his company.
I am sure there are many more facets of him I am not aware of. The only way to find out would be if I were invisible and right with him at every moment so I could see what he does when I am not with him.
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