Tuesday, November 17, 2015

I cook my turkey upside down. Breast side down. Juicy white turkey meat.

I cook my turkey upside down. Breast side down. Juicy white turkey meat.

Since November 1981 when I put my first turkey in the oven and
"accidentally" put it in the oven upside down with 2 sticks of butter on top,
had to turn the oven temperature down to about 225 because we
had to leave and visit relatives for Thanksgiving dinner
and eat dry white turkey meat,
came back home to carve the turkey and it collapsed into
the juiciest white breast turkey meat I had ever tasted,
I have continued my tradition and cook it breast side down.
I don't have to baste it.
Sometimes I flip it over, breast side up during the last hour or so
if I want to brown the skin on that side.

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