Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I give, I share, I love, I care too much

I give, I share, I love, I care too much
I care more about others than they care about me
I often work for nothing and I work cheap

I love deeply and appreciate people and things
I compliment, inspire, motivate and promote people,
truth, causes and ethics

I do the right things, I am polite and
open doors for people
I have manners
I always say thank you and you're welcome

I have had many different types of jobs and
can relate to workers of all kinds
I understand that everyone has a hard job
No one has it easy, regardless of their role or

I am full of understanding, patience, kindness
and perfrom random acts of kindness/good deeds
for strangers as well as those I am familiar with
If I didn't need money I would do most of the things
I do to help people for free because I love to see
people happy

As a result I spend most of my time alone in solitude
I do menial tasks no one seems to care about
or appreciate like errands, shopping, cleaning, cooking and laundry

I am not invited to events, groups, festivities, celebrations or other
activities by most of the people I know whether they
are "friends" or family or neighbors
I am shunned by almost everyone at the church I attend
on Wednesday evenings

I am tired of the all work, all business and no play, no fun,
no happiness I experience at home
I miss my true fun loving family so much it is unbearable

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