Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Yesterday I spent the whole day in bed and in the recliner trying to sleep and to stay warm while continuously coughing up and blowing out yellow phlegm out of my nose and lungs.

Yesterday I spent the whole day in bed and in the recliner trying to sleep and
to stay warm while continuously coughing up and blowing out yellow phlegm out of my nose and lungs.

Ate one piece of bread with peanut butter, a can of chicken noodle soup and
some plain potato chips. In the evening had some raspberry lemonade with
frozen raspberries and real lemon juice with crushed ice. That was the total
food and drink for the day along with a lot of water.

Thank goodness I have a lot of toilet paper and kleenex tissues at home.

When is this horrible cold/flu whatever it is going to leave my body and
leave me alone?

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