Monday, November 8, 2021

I've had enough of chicken shit little boy adult males


impolite rude 

easily angered

lie cheat steal

dont want commitment marriage

cant understand anything

dont want to understand

constantly saying i am not stupid

perverted sex obsessed 

pornography is their thing

cant treat one woman right and desire to have sex with all

egotistical tyrant


hoard things hoarders 

wont give skin off a grape to anyone

miserly miserable


micro managing

humiliate others 

no regard for anyone's feelings


believe having money and things are top priority

think they can have sex with any woman they want

treat the woman they have like dirt filth and cockroach

buy expensive things for themselves and deny

even simple things and free pleasures to their woman 

feel entitled to everything

do not respect boundaries

disrespectful of me and others

cant admit not knowing

dont want children

dont like children

want sex act performance and no responsibility of the effect which is
producing children

self satisfaction is first and foremost for them.. everyone else is 
non existent, unimportant trash in their mind

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