So severe. Dr. Is concerned. Needs to treat me 3 times a week for 8 weeks.
My spine is collapsed and collapsing more each day. Cervical and lumber backwards from normal.
One more accident wreck I am destroyed unable to move
So severe. Dr. Is concerned. Needs to treat me 3 times a week for 8 weeks.
My spine is collapsed and collapsing more each day. Cervical and lumber backwards from normal.
One more accident wreck I am destroyed unable to move
It was and is him. His constant comparison frustration criticism taking me for granted. Looking out there at some one else thinking there's something better than what he has.
I know this because lots of others find me attractive look me in the eye . Listen when I speak. Pay attention in full. Stay close physically when I am around. Want to keep talking to me on the phone or in person. Ask if I'm married. Want to see me again. Appreciate my insight flexibility intelligence beauty. And the list goes on.
It is inner self thoughts that determine ones attitude and perspective.
Your Daily Quotation:
"Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity."
-- Reed Markham
"I have loved you since I first saw you"
A baby is born and loved immediately (usually by the mother first)
Lady named Jill told me I have a beautiful smile and should do this more often.
January 17, 2023.
She is 44. Lost her teeth already. Has dentures. I am fortunate enough to still have all of my teeth except the wisdom teeth which had to be extracted when I was in my lates 20s.
So I remember when I quit smiling so much, started being real careful about doing this ......way back in 1981 when I was 19 years old. I was a cashier at a gas station at bannister rd and hillcrest rd in kansas city, missouri. Walker oil Company was the name of the business.
I quit smiling at male customers where I worked because I thought this was making them act like sexual predators . That way: The way of the male who approaches the female and tries to get her into bed, perform sex act with him.
Quitting smiling was one thing I did, followed by :
stopped wearing any makeup on my face
not doing my hair
wearing a baseball cap at times to appear masculine
wearing men's clothes like overalls flannel shirts and jeans and t shirts and hiking boots
None of these things worked to deter men from making passes at me.
I continued doing this well into my 40's, 50's and now at 61 I still rarely wear any makeup, hardly ever smile and often wear concealing garments.
It still does not work.
Am I really stupid or that naive?
sex, screwing is just an instinct. a physical urge, an act to achieve an inborn animal desire to procreate
Shredded shit on ridiculed wrung out sloppily put away wet
Kicked punched raped slapped
Ripped off Used squeezed .. told to shut the fuck up, up
Cinderella slave who runs into a cave hiding for safety from the big bad wolf
Who acts like a sheep innocent lamb to everyone else and in public
Wolves in the woods wanting to eat me Red Riding Hood
Sleeping beauty used to wear tight jeans to bed thinking he couldn't rape me in my sleep but he did it anyway
More than one can't count em hun, hundreds
How can my Brain still function shun miracle I don't know how
Solo no help No one believes me
Criminal narc thieves liar psychopaths using me for a whack a mole
body physical cycles minute by minute moment by moment
daily weekly yearly
It does no good when the patient returns back to the scene of the crimes at home at work. Going straight back into the same environment reinforces the behavior issues, beliefs based upon the conditions of the home house neighborhood the person is living in.
Cooks food at home
Cleans own house
Does all laundey
Does my own hair, skin and nails
Wears no makeup majoritg of the time
Does all grocery shopping
In normal weight range-not fat or obese
Very few gray grey hairs
Very hairy
doesn't provide a practical purpose
doesn't mean a damned thing
has no reference to indicate my intelligence my ability to live be happy, joyful, survive
does not mean I am smart at all
I want to know that I am having the REAL thing
not some watered down fake
Your Daily Quotation:
"I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."
-- Thomas A. Edison
each person is different ..
some prefer to have the company of another person or people around the majority of the time
some prefer isolation solitude just being alone
the ones who experience lots of solitude seem to be able to express the most creativity
can expres themsevles freely
invent, create and be themselves
Your Daily Quotation:
"There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way."
-- Christopher Morley
Not seeing grandson every week
Swindled by woman says she's on disability been a care giver for her started october 2022
Lessons learned my naivete gullibility seem real
More real every day
Catch 22 of what to do
Crying my eyes out almost every day
Sad very yesterday more than before all at once tears gushing
Finding out woman can't be helped doesn't need my help
And she's rotten evil core I could have died by her or wrongly being put in jail she falsely accuses people has them charged with false allegations imprison she's a liar a fake fraud phony criminal ,no telling what she will say or do next either to me or anyone anywhere
And this was is my only income other than piddly internet sales
I cry alot can't see my family much, miss my little motor scooter so much
Family losses are too much, breaks my heart
And feel like nervous breakdown, need safe place protection peace quiet
Away from insane people and insanity craziness
Husband constantly confused annoyed angered emotions out of control and nice on e minute hateful five or ten times as long.. if he loves me for one hour then hates me for ten hours days weeks
Multiple incidences of stressful events for years, losses and lack of healthy social contacts and activities
having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture:
"a chic, sophisticated woman" · "a young man with sophisticated tastes"
free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments; at home all over the world.
of or characteristic of a cosmopolite.
belonging to all the world; not limited to just one part of the world.
Botany, Zoology. widely distributed over the globe.
a person who is free from local, provincial, or national bias or attachment; citizen of the world; cosmopolite.
a cocktail made with vodka, cranberry juice, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lime juice.
My girfriend Ruthie Johnson told me I was Cosmo and she was seventeen when we were in junior high and high school belton Missouri back in the 70s 1970s
It's too hot, it's too cold...
too big, too small, too much, not enough
It's just right
Your Daily Quotation:
"The greatest gift you will ever have is your life, and the second greatest gift, which you give yourself, is courage to live it to the fullest. Time goes by quickly, and you cannot take it for granted. Appreciate how far you have come, and give yourself the gift of discovering how far you can yet go."
-- Dr. Sonya Friedman
words are not necessary at all
this is why they, the males men WATCH
videos and don't listen to the words spoken
I've seen it over and over time and time again
him watching the spanish channel and he can't speak the language
the ex watch triple x porn movies with the sound turned off
the current hub man male doing the same exact things, watching the sex tapes or the tv chanel with pretty girls beautful women with the sound off, not talking period
at stores: went into the african food store in ruskin plaza the men working there have the tv going with the sound turned way down you can barely hear it and watching vids of gorgeous women and they are not listening to what she or the women are saying at all..
what are they doing? just watching the picures
in the meantime treating me and their current g/f girl woman wife like a piece of total trash while they beat their meat off to some strange woman
him finding astrology astrologer on internet when he has zero interest in astro stuff ...he chose one of the most beautiful women to play the vids joni patry .. and admits he has NO CLUE what she is talking about, does not know what she is saying...
he CAN'T listen when he is LOOKING
Teachers chose me to be the narrator to tell the story of
Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn
A play at the school where I told the story and didn't play a part in it.
Interesting. Why did they choose me to be the narrator?
grade school
The podium I stood behind. Scared almost stiff and I talked ..reading the script
and felt like I wasn't in my body at all.
The subconscious or whatever it is called took over as I read the words ..felt like I wasn't there at was somone else doing the work.
she has 26 years of formal education and can't/won't scrape her plates of food after eating
she can't clean her own house, do the dishes, the laundry, clean floors, yard work
she won't take a walk further than the end of the driveway
won't take out the trash
talking about MHB , one I am the care giver for since October 2022
Your Daily Quotation:
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
-- Walt Disney
throw fits
temper tantrums
scream yell name call
ass hole asinine
jerk butt poop shit poopy attitude behavior
House, home, place you/I live
Sex life information
personal details such as:
Identify myself, yourself.
I was born a female remain one throughout my entire life
No chance for changing that fact
make fun of
try to make you or turn you into someone you are not
Never let anyone else drive your/my car
We ignore advice, examples
Quit listening to intuition, inner voice
Failures, mistakes are the result of both
They think I am an easy target. Try to be in charge of me. Therefore they take advantage of it.
Fool me foolish me nice naive sweet innocent loving kind
helpful considerate
I am a survivor
narcs narcissists abusers controllers
sexual sex abuse first incident age 4
insomnia totally irregular abnormal sleeping situation
scoliosis broken back
severe levoscoliosis 38 degree curve diagnosed 2019 multiple xrays and 2 mris
bipolar manic dep
physical abuse black eyes both eyes blacked at once age 16
left eye blacked by husband age 23
falling down tailbone broken 3,4 5 times
fell several times and once someone pulled chair out from under me fell on concrete floor at super flea
bullied by many people including husbands boyfriends women
bosses managers coworkers
brain damage head injuries fractured skull
dozen car wrecks
kicked in the head knocked out
sodomized raped repeatedly and in my sleep by ex
scapegoat scapegoated blamed for things i didn't do
for things i wouldnt do
things i couldn't do
survived being in schizophrenic family
husband 31 years since dec 1991
his mother, uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, cousins crazy paranoid schizo
john layson hoarder
m barnes hoarder psycho bipolar nutcase
railroad me people
commanding others demanding of people
why? power domination control
forget it.... you can only control yourself
real control is controlling the self
those lacking in
try to act like they control others and the environment
Disrespectful to me
Grandpa, tossed 10 dollars to me after I spent about 4 hours cleaning . Smirks while doing it
At home I don't get paid and don't expect it.
Husband and ex expect me to do it and treat me like shit
John l, total disregard for any cleaning I did 9 years at flea market
Caregiver work I do now and have done is not valued or appreciated from clients customers anyone
They place high value on material things and all things they want completely disregarding me
I should say to myself, you/i must be a stpuid idiot for ever thinking believing fairy tale lies like toads with warts (or not) can turn into a prince. Stupid for believing a person can change or wants to change and be a nice person displaying common courtesy to all people not just "important" people. And very extremely stupid for thinking if you only love someone they will love you back. Some are incapable of love to begin with; all they want is sex, money and attention with the spotlighf on them at all times.
If they ever do anything nice for another person its begrudgingly done with spite hatred and hell to pay and they expect a payback for anything they do while conveniently disregarding and minimizing anything i have done for them or anyone out of the natural kindness of my heart.
So they can get use and benefits ouf of me for themselves only
They have zero concern for anything about me, disregarding my wishes and literally bashing BASH criticizing things i like and love