Sunday, January 1, 2023

What do you think you are, a movie star he said today walking thru woods in front of me

 I should say to myself, you/i must be a stpuid idiot for ever thinking believing fairy tale lies like toads with warts (or not) can turn into a prince.  Stupid for believing a person can change or wants to change and be a nice person displaying common courtesy to all people not just "important" people.  And very extremely stupid for thinking if you only love someone they will love you back.  Some are incapable of love to begin with; all they want is sex, money and attention with the spotlighf on them at all times. 

If they ever do anything nice for another person its begrudgingly done with spite hatred and hell to pay and they expect a payback for anything they do while conveniently disregarding and minimizing anything i have done for them or anyone out of the natural kindness of my heart. 

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