Thursday, October 19, 2023

Aunt Ruth

Great aunt Florence Ruth Spainhour. Single. Never married. No children. My moms moms sister, grandma sarah elizabeth spainhour dringman mitchell. 

January 13, 1922 to november 9, 1999

PINK. Everything is pink. She loved that color. She did have other colors, white, blue, orange..however they were all pastels. Light. Delicate feminine things she loved.

1998 Summer she called me. I had to put her in a nursing home. Alzheimers disease. November 1999 she was gone. Passes away. Dead. Died.

I inherited all of her stuff. Hired movers. They unloaded all things in her one bedroom apartment took it to a storage unit.  I worked at Storage Trust in summer of 1998. In an hour and a half movers were done including driving time.

Kept a few things which I still have at my house.

Scale to weigh myself. Nondigital, manual floor oval.

Dustmop that has a wooden broom handle, a pink mop attached; one of the best dustmops floor cleaners I have ever had.

Coin holder, a clear plastic dollar store type item.

Cup, plastic pink for the bathroom. Used to rinse mouth when brushing teeth. 

Bags of dental floss, eye pads gauze

Small magnifying glass on keychain eye dr info stamped upon it.

Hurricane lamp. Had several more gave away.

Strawberry shortcake plastic cup mug used for laundry

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