Saturday, October 14, 2023

Killers. Control freeks

 Dahmer drugged and gave alcohol to his victims

Bundy bashed them in the head

Radir tied them up used gun 

Berdella tied up injected tortured raped killed males

Some strangle watch victims face while dying losing breath of life

Some use slow torture and bring victim to near death repeatedly before the final kill

String them along, lure with fake charm, offer or force candy, food, drink, drugs, money, alcohol, gifts, favors, a ride, feigning own weakness to gain sympathy

control tactics, ownership desired, possession of another life

Immobilise immobilize zombie the victim for total control

Cowards weak minded wimp bullies do such things

What is the difference between a killer and a control freak who uses the same tactics but allows victims to live?

The only difference is they dont complete the act by committing murder. Instead they torture loved ones or hated ones continually while they are alive. They enjoy making and watching others suffer. It satisfies their warped need to dominate and control someone elses life be it human or animal.

From what I have experienced the control freak watches closely every move and every bite of food i or other beings take and likes to give just barely enough to allow survival to be sure i am or the animal is still hungry left wanting more. Stingy with food, time, money, love, companionship, material things, fun times are rare and clipped short every time. The perpetrator gorges himself , is extravagant with himself, greedy, and very picky about what he eats, owns, wears, drives and does. He carefully selects his own activities and refuses to do anything he doesnt want to do yet expects others to do his bidding and to do things not in their nature or things they are incapable of doing.

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