Tuesday, October 24, 2023

I sought. I learned. Seek and find.

 Whatever I wanted to learn or have 

I found whatever I wanted to learn or have/own.

Seeking one thing and also found its opposite in the process.

Found Both / Opposites

Abundance, lack

Love, hate

Happiness, sadness

Sex, coldness

Peace, War

Satiety, Hunger

Good conscience, Remorse

Fun, Dread

Hot, Cold

Friends, enemies

Auctions, bidding, estate sales, business, garage sales, selling

Profit, Loss

Credit excellence, bankruptcy

Health, Sickness

Kindness, Meanness

Stinginess, generosity

Charity, Greed

Hoarding, Mimimal

Laughter,  Serious

Freedom, Trapped

Hyperactivity, Stillness idleness

Intelligent, Stupid

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Political and religious obsessed people

 I know some of them and they are insane beyond repair They started out young teens and twenties and the zealotry intensified over the years...