Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Gone 1130 am to 415 pm he was oct 17 tuesday

 Said im going out for a bit before leaving.

Later told me went to harbor freight and cave springs park talking to 89 year old man al who has worked at the park many years.

I was running low grade fever again started late last night. I slept late until 11 stayed home didnt go out until 930 pm for a solo walk around the neighborhood.

It took me 31 minutes to walk by myself at cave springs yesterday monday when i went with him. He waited in his truck. Had to stay in it a generator he picked up after repair was in the bed. Hed walked earlier that day got back home around 130 pm gone 2 hours.

Hes been not walking with me at that park for a couple of months now. Says he wants to walk fsster, get his heart rate up. 

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