Sunday, October 15, 2023

He was nice to me this morning. Hugging. Very unusual for him

 For reasons unknown to me, he hubby, hugged me tried to kiss me on the cheek before he left to go to menards in raymore mo and true value hardware to buy plexiglass 24 x 32 inches. Glass is what he is using to repair broken missing window on our friend tonys step van. 

Generally he is mean cold hateful. 2 days ago he told me shut up im trying to listen to this i dont want to listen to you right before tony and william showed up in step van tony uses for work vending snack route. After they got here he was rude again in front of them said go away quit talking youre distracting me.

I told him i would like hugs every day i hug people all the time, strangers included male or female children teens and adults.

And i pet animals often making friends with most of them.

Making note of hugging from him . I dont remember the last time he did that. Maybe i will note it again if he does it in the future.

Maybe theres a pattern, a reason why. If i note the date and consider other things happening concurrently i can discover the reason for odd behavior.

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