Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Free or costs money: Exercise movement fun at parks events or home


Walk around the block anywhere

Park farther away from door when shopping

Jog alone or with a dog

Run instead of walk

Walk instead of stand

Stand instead of sit

Sit instead of lay

Walk instead of drive

Bike instead of drive a car

Cook food at home

Dance at home

Clean house; floors, windows, laundry, cars,

Yard work

Sex alone or not

Fireworks displays

Money charged for:

Amusement parks

Carnivals, fairs, festivals

Bars, restaurants, clubs, eat and drink out

House cleaning

Sex prostitutes whores

Yard work, lawn care maintenance

Auto repairs


Community center, Gym

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Political and religious obsessed people

 I know some of them and they are insane beyond repair They started out young teens and twenties and the zealotry intensified over the years...