Monday, January 1, 2024

All the fancy stuff he has and he still wants simple teen plain Virgin act

 Big money, big business, big house 

Fancy car, fancy clothes

Diamond gold silver jewelry

Mega money in the bank

Land lord owns real estate

Millions billions he owns the stuff the stocks the bonds.

All that stuff, he wants the simple little girl naked lap dance.

Wifey girly girl friend turned bitch whore, pretty painted up balloon boobs poofy dyed bleached streaked teased fried torched curled straightened permed colored  hair,  liposuction belly ass legs, tummy tuck ,steroid hormone injected muscles, red pink black purple blue green yellow rainbow  lipstick,  eye shadow liner mascara, big huge false eyelashes, false long claw sharp fingernails, butt ass implant fat pads...busting her back fucking getting laid by him and anyone he wants her to be with, sucking his dick off, cooking baking working cleaning house work, washing dishes clothes laundry, dressing up fancy shiny glittery sparkly tight skimpy soft smoothe silky. She thought she had to be by his side. She thought she had to work for his love. Thought she had to comply, to agree, to go along with anything he wanted.

She modified her looks, her activities, her life to his specifications. 

He changed nothing about himself and never will.

She gritted her teeth watching football other savage combat games, tagged along to games events sports concerts his hobbies activities, his career, his work, his interests she adopted...lost herself became a man now he doesnt want her he is not interested. He yells, he hits, kicks her, throws things in his tyrant dictator outrage tantrum fits. He shits on her the more she tries to please. He has no respect, hates and despises her fucking guts. He has already had her. All of her. Time to move on.

He has it all, its not enough. She is confused. She tried too hard to please; failed with a capital f.

He wants more and he wants less, he wants simple, he wants something different. He wants all the candy he sees and smells.  She is not enough. Got to go hunting. He has to conquer another one, a different one, the one he chases..the one has to work to get. Once he gets her, once shes had and her heart is his then he wants no more of her. Wring her out, use her up, stomp on her and throw her away. 

His wife once simple young cute and sweet turned to plastic cold hard concrete changing herself to please him. It was her defeat. She was perfect the way she was, the way she naturally is. She never had to change herself for anyone. 

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Political and religious obsessed people

 I know some of them and they are insane beyond repair They started out young teens and twenties and the zealotry intensified over the years...