Typical girl, woman, lady, bitch, even the whore, desires possession of what she thinks is "her" man. Typical male thinks he owns his girlfriend/wife.
But mommy owns him. Daddy owns her.
Mother in laws are often hated, feared, scorned and rejected by their unadoring daughter in law who believes her boyfriend/husband must cut the cord. Wife thinks she is the new owner of this man who is really a grown boy. She wants zero competition from any female especially his mother, the arch enemy of competition.
Wife cannot compare to his mother. He may be the overt type who tells his wife thats not how my mom does it. He admits he expects his wife to be like his mother. He may be the covert type of man, hiding his mother replacement desires, lying to his beloved wife, even saying i am glad youre not like HER. Down deep he expects her to be a clone of mother regardless of what he says.
I have noticed that the females picked by my 2 sons have a lot in common with my younger self. My young self personality is still at my core and has adapted to the husband i have been with many years who desperately and subconsciously treats me like his mother in vain attempts to turn me into her.
On the other hand i am aware that i have a subconscious desire to expect my husband to be like my father. I know, logically and consciously, that he is not and never can be like my dad.
Even when mother or father have undesirable traits the person expects their mate to act like their own parent.
During courtship rituals the person is not parenting their object of desire. If that were the case it is doubtful a relationship would happen. After the commitment is formed the mothering and fathering behavior kicks in. This causes rebellion. We dont like being told what to think and do. After all, if you liked me the way i was when you met me why are you giving me orders and trying to change me?
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