Saturday, January 6, 2024

Two young teen men talking in hot tub tonight. That girl and money and cars

 I overheard a few minutes of it. Said nothing then i left. 

Last time dec 29 2023 i went to community center was in hot tub/spa 2 other young  teen or 20ish men discussing money, work careers and jobs. One says he is deciding whether or not he should take over his dads plumbing business as his father would like him to do.  The other mentioned accounting career and other types of jobs and he focused on dollars, the amount of money people he knew were paid for those jobs.

Neither talked about what they wanted to do, their passion, dream or inspirations. 

An old man in his 60s or 70s said cpa license pays more, you will make more money from the start with that. 

I said nothing (unusual for me). What can i learn if i am only talking? Can i listen while my mouth is moving from forming words processed in my brain?

My thoughts were if you take over an established plumbing business from dad it is guaranteed good money if you know the trade but you ought to love it.  Sons following fathers footsteps used to be common, even expected. Speaking from personal experience: my father was a master electrician. Four of his sons he taught the trade are dead. Four made very good money and also used drugs and stole things to sell for cash to buy drugs when they binged and decided not to work.

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