Saturday, February 3, 2024

Lolita movie 1962

 Old man obsessed with teen girl nymphette nymph daughter of old woman landlady eventually his wife, ravishes her body irrestibly attracted drawn to have sex with, caters to her every whim, cooks for her, feeds, bathes, grooms her paints her toenails buys her everything willingly pays spends and gives money lavishly, cant stop looking staring at her face body and moves loves to watch her dance and do everything including sleep, listens to all sounds and words from her, . Is possessive, overprotective, jealous of anyone male or female that gets her attention she spends time with. Restricts her every move. 

Old woman, matronly, chubby, voluptuous, curvy, average face, short hair. Lonely, desperate, begging, jealous, smothering, cooking a lot, sweets, overly attentive motherly, obsessed with him, envies her own daughter, mean to her and shoots orders at demands respect compliance blind obedience slavery to 13 14 year old daughter

Young woman girl nymph nymphette carefree could care less about having him. She never pushes possesses forces to get sex, she doesn't have to and probably is unaware of it and her instant desirability. I know I was not aware of that thing that caused males to want to get me naked. To poke me, eat me, suck me wrestle and roll around anywhere anytime. To give me money and things and pick me up in their car, take me places , home, work, parks, anywhere , buy me food , fix my stuff, stare at me, steal glances when the think I am  not aware, 

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