Thursday, May 30, 2024

 has 2 vehicles of his own, a car and a pickup truck. runs around anywhere anytime he wants. no restrictions. 

obsessed with politics, money, material things.

chases money. thinks/believes it is the answer to all things for "happiness"

tries to get the most money of of anything

spends lots of time working on junk trash old shit that ought to be thrown out in the garbage

becomes violent at thought of losing money or any material thing possession 

uses earphones and headphones most of the day 

likes huge big screen tvs displays and big pieces of electronics high end stereo equipment speakers amps dvd cassette vhs reel to reel players radios 

food eats and drinks any thing item because of the taste most of the time disregarding information about health benefits or deficits

goes out of his way to serve please himself first and immediately often without regard for others in the house ; eg; blasting music or tv 

not instrospective, does not look at self, 

meditation is not done because can't stand silence


seeks immediate gratification in most everything

expects immediate response from me or anyone about anything

cant resist what is seen if it looks appealing

cash is preferred method for most things

accounting is detested

says i dont need to account write it down i know what i do with my money

thinks he can say and do anything without consequence and expects me to not remember, to forget any traumatic abuse he has done as if it never happened claiming i am too sensitive and i didnt hurt you i was just trying to get your attention and i care about you and i want you to be happy 

destroying my confidence, my will, myself anything about me is the name of the game aim for him

maybe he is still searching for the perfect girl/female/woman like a stepford wife or other type of robot automaton thing that is void of self and her own identity pollyanna, polly he mentioned years ago that worked at a massage parlor and he didnt want her to leave so he wouldn't help her move to texas..interesting because he has told me to leave hundreds of times over the years, told me to go live with someone else, told me to take off with nothing except my van 

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