Saturday, May 18, 2024

Got rid of more stuff today. Up at 9 am . Early for me

Up 9 am. Had yogurt, mango and banana, mixed nuts and popcorn before I went to bed last night. Is that why I woke up earlier than usual and had to go to the bathroom?

He left around 10 am to Adrian, Missouri.

First I dug thru old paperwork making 3 bags of trash to go. Two bunches of roses I had received from Evangel Church drive thru food pantry the Wed before Mothers Day on May 12 also bagged up to go in trash. More trash I made to go: Old dried up cinnamon rolls, 6 bottles of premade drinks that contain sucralose and other artificial sweeteners and ingredients, yesterday's organic garbage including egg shells, banana peels and other fruit and vegetable scraps.

Gathered up a box of old books, a plastic bin container of miscellaneous items and a big box of empty cd jewel cases. 

It was about 340 pm when I finally left the house.

First stop, the trash bin at a gas station off Red Bridge Rd close to 71 hwy. 

Second stop, gotwhatulikerecords off Hickman Mills Dr in Kansas City, MO. Sold Mark the box of empty cd cases, He said he didn't really need them. I sold them cheap for an undisclosed amount.

Third stop, a trash can at a gas station by 87th and Blue Ridge in KCMO. 

Fourth stop, a trash can at a gas station by Gregory off Blue Ridge.

Fifth stop, the new book store "trailhead books" in Raytown, MO. Brought in the books. She gave me store credit for some of the books and a power strip I didn't need which she was happy to get.  She gave me a cup of the coffee she was throwing out at the end of the day and said no one wanted any coffee that day. Some company called "Attack coffee" I think she said it was. 

The rest of the books and miscellaneous stuff (tshirt transfer stuff, cans of spray air freshener, plastic containers of wipes I don't use and an old stencil design set) the book store owner didn't want I gave to a woman in the parking lot who was cleaning out her car and was very happy to get the stuff.  The universe  timed it right, I suppose. 

Next I went to the Motor Vehicle and Drivers license office, 6138 Raytown Trafficway. I thought I had time to go in and get my license renewal due by July 7, 2024. Found out their hours and MON-FRI 9 to 5 pm. It was about 8 minutes past 5 so I missed it. I swore they used to stay open until 7 pm. Have to wait until next week, maybe Monday, who knows when I will get that done. 

Then, still no food in my body since last night, I drove to the Goodwill thrift store in Lee's Summit, Missouri and donated a couple of boxes of stuff including the old blue plastic bin with no lid. They gave me a 15% off coupon and a tax receipt. Wow. 

Hungry. I stopped at Hardee's restaurant off 3rd street not far from Goodwill. Downloaded the app on my phone. Went in and asked about a value menu. Decided I didn't want that so I went to HyVee across the street and found some food to eat in there.  It was around 7:40 pm when I was done. 

I had flexibly planned to go to J. Thomas Lovell Community Center to swim and exercise but decided it was now too late to go and be able to spend much time in the hot tub/spa, pool and use the exercise equipment. They close the aquatics area at 9:30 pm.

Decided to head back home. Stopped and used the restroom at Longview Community Center. Stopped at a park off James A Reed Rd between Bannister and 87th street and walked around its cement circle trail, went down a couple of slides, swung a little on a swing, pushed the globe which was hard to turn around in circles and got on the spinner thing.

Got home after 9 pm. Husband tells me about his trip today visiting our friend Kirk. He says the guy is a mess. Nothing makes sense. Everything is haphazard and scattered around. So I asked him to do one thing before I put his dinner plate in the kitchen sink: "Look around here. Pick one spot and tell me if it looks haphazard, a mess and things tossed everywhere."

He then gets up, walks and looks around for less than a minute and says "Why are you wasting my time talking about this?" And puts his headphones back on so he can sit there listening to the true stories, the truth news because that is the most important thing to do at the time. 

I said, "You think it is a waste of time to talk about this mess we live in."

He said "I don't talk about it. I do it" as he sat in the chair not looking at or doing anything about the stuff in the room which is 17' x 28' living room and kitchen combo. 

Piles of papers and food and lots of stuff on the dusty table between the two recliner chairs, lots of very dusty things on his custom made table for his laptop computer, several food coolers in the living room, many items on the living room floor, stuff crammed behind the recliners, outdoor patio furniture cushions up against the wall and in the middle of the floor, a paper grocery sack half full of receipts he throws in there after he buys something which sits there for years, a cardboard storage box full of his shoes, a plastic electric foot massager on the floor a couple of feet in front of his recliner,  a stack of plastic bins and boxes by the inversion table...just a bunch of junk sitting around in the way collecting dust. All of this shit in the way makes it difficult to run the vacuum. 

This is an example of an entire day which some might say was wasted. Hours and hours of dealing with stuff I don't need or want and trash to get rid of. 

It is an ongoing process that has been going on for years and eons. It feels like centuries.

My eyes bother me. Small things, such as this screen I am looking at, are hard to see. Focus is more difficult. I have to lean forward pretty close to the screen to be able to read it. Most things are difficult that used to be relatively easy. 

My back is in tremendous pain constantly. I had some energy today, thank God but have been going through mysterious bouts of tiredness, just plain fatigue feeling worn out, drained like it is hard to do much of anything. Getting this house cleaned out seems like it is taking forever.  However, I am making some progress one bag and one truck load at a time. 

I feel frustrated when I know the result I want and it should happen about as fast as I think it. Foolish thoughts. 

So tomorrow I will work on another batch of trash to throw out. Probably more paperwork. Maybe get more books or something to go. Maybe get him to find more stereo equipment he will finally agree to let go of that sits out in the garage in racks taking up space. As of the day before yesterday I have 3 pieces of heavy electronics listed for sale pretty cheap on the internet. Did have them on ebay and with no response.  Put them on facebook and craigslist only to have scammer message me on both sites. Can't put my phone number in the listing even when the numbers are spelled out in words because the scam artists can figure out the phone number. 

I have suggested having a garage sale in various forms to him and that does no good. I suggested having some guys or companies or estate or auction people just come and look at the whole mess of stuff and make offers. That does no good. He won't hear of it. 

It is too time consuming, takes way too much work to list stuff on the internet that is basically crap hardly anyone would want even if it was free. If a large piece of electronics sells on ebay it takes lots of special care for him to package it up then ship it. Then I have to basically wait 6 months and hope and pray the person doesn't file a fraudulent claim to get all their money back including the shipping price and steal the item as well. Ebay and paypal have a 180 day guarantee return policy for buyers even if the seller doesn't offer returns. 

My desire is to live in a house that is easy to clean, maintain, live and get around in. I want the hallways clear of any items (crap, I call it) including his cases of drinks, rolls of carpet, plastic containers of automobile products, boxes, etcetera. 

I would love to have clean, neat and organized closets and shelves. Nice looking clean and lean tables, furniture, appliances, floors, bedding, walls, ceilings, patio area, sheds. All of it to look and feel professional.

Tired of the pack rat syndrome. Too much stuff encourages rats, mice, animals, snakes, insects, bugs, mold, rot and ruin.

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