Sunday, February 9, 2020

Burning back pain after I eat.

Burning back pain after I eat. Starts in the right side
and gravitates to left lower and mid back. Have to lay down and put my legs up to alleviate pain.
Chiropractor I saw January 31, 2020 did not help.

Severe pain in right side began April 15, 2009.
Many years of taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen every day for back pain,
drinking coffee to keep me awake so I could work and survive.

M.D.s doctors prescribed pain pills and muscle relaxers until our
Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance ended in 2006 so I ended up taking
otc medicine: advil, tylenol and generic versions to stop the back pain.

I haven't taken any acetaminophen or iboprofen since April, 2009
but the effects of these over the counter meds and prescription meds
have resulted in damage to my system. They have not cured the
source of the problem causing the pain.


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