Monday, September 28, 2020

The end of Irene in my neighborhood. Could be beginning of the end of me here, too.

The end of Irene in my neighborhood. Could be beginning of the end of me
here, too.

Sharon, the neighbor across the street from us on Crestview Drive,
called my husband tonight to inform him that Irene, her
next door neighbor, has gone into a care facility permanently thanks to
her family telling her she couldn't go out during this plandemic
virus thing.

This is the last we will see Irene. She is 26 years older than me
and my husband.  She was like a neighborhood matriarch.
She was friendly with many people in the neighborhood.
She was like a center safe ground area for a lot of people.
A Catholic woman with very close and a big family.  Her son and other family
members mow her grass  and maintain the lawn
frequently. They have an absolutely horrid sounding lawn mower
that has disrupted my sleep countless times.

I was never the one to chit chat on the phone with her. My husband
did frequently for years since I moved in here in 1991.
He is like the woman chit chatter gossip of the neighborhood.
He likes to keep me away from as many people as possible
and keep himself informed of what is going on around here
at all times.

He is in to the business of what is going on around here.
No one except 2 neighbors around here have anything to do with me.
The next door neighbor, Wendy will talk to me and my husband,
separately, infrequently.  I have no close associate neighbors that I have
contact with more than a few times a year.

My husband tells me "not to talk to them", like the neighbors on the
south side of me and anywhere else.  When I visit Wendy a few times
a year for a few hours he says what are you doing over there? what
are you talking about? You were over there for an hour and a half...
what are you talking about?

We never had any neighbor over here at my (husbands) house for dinner.
Never got close like that with anyone at all. He wouldn't allow it.
Doesn't want people in the house.

Nursing homes and care facilities won't allow visitors; how
utterly ridiculous.  Some kind of, or I should say just another kind of,
covert plan to kill off a large
number of people.

Other covert/overt plans like getting as many people as possible on prescription drugs,
lying and covering up basic information about how to be naturally 
healthy.  Pushing crazy ideas about stressing your body out,
pushing yourself beyond your limits ("No pain, no gain" myth)
ingesting boat loads of caffeine, energy drinks or other forms of speed then taking
downers so you can go to sleep. 
Pump up with pain killers (prescription or over the counter like
acetaminophen, iboprofen and aspirin)  after you have pushed
yourself beyond your body and mind's
limits that end up
destroying your digestive system like other scripts do.
Once your guts are damaged, it's all downhill.
Liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, stomach, gall bladder, intestines;
basically every organ in your body.   Damage shows up on
your skin.  Your bones are weak. They break/fracture easily.
You can't even squat anymore much less get up off the floor.

It's like Go Ask Alice... when she's 10 feet tall.

May 30, 2020
September 28, 2020. New Lovely family moving in.
Ages 38, 33, 5 and 3.
Sold for

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