Tuesday, September 22, 2020

He says quit talking and do something because he doesn't know how to communicate properly through language.

He says quit talking and do something because he doesn't know how to communicate properly through language. 

His eyes are the dominant sense.

He can't comprehend abstract ideas or meanings. He must have concrete visual evidence before
he believes in something. He has to see it before he believes it. His vibration is at the physical
level not the spiritual. 

All he knows is what he sees, interpreting the world in his own single minded way and unable to understand or allow differences between himself and others. 

He likes to do hard physical manual labor, tear material things down and build them up.

He is very good at handling physical objects and poor at handling himself or other people
or animals.

He is attracted to movement. He is attracted to beauty in females and certain music but doesn't
know how to treat beautiful people. 

He is not awed by the simple things or nature or by small things that make life so much better.
He is impressed by those in costumes, those wearing makeup and unusal attire,
those who perform outlandish stunts.  He rarely expresses appreciation for what he has,
who he is with or by any simple miracle that makes life exist. 

Something has to be really big and really odd to blow his mind.
He doesn't understand why he does what he does or why anyone
does anything and he doesn't want to know why. 

He knows he has basic animal needs such as food, sex, sleep and exercise.

He doesn't know that emotion precedes the synchronicity of events. 
He doesn't know that he doesn't know and wouldn't care if he knew that 
he didn't know but ought to know.

His thoughts are shallow. He cannot understand depth of meaning, only the
surface of things at the moment.  He frequently misinterprets other peoples
feelings and intentions. He tries to figure out other people's motives behind
each and every occurance in his life but he still can't figure it out. 

He tries to put words in people's mouths, often talking over them, filling in
their sentences and interrupting. He is usually wrong when  he thinks he
knows what someone is thinking or what they are about to say or why 
they do what they do or did what they did. 

First and foremost, it is his world only. No one else's. The whole world should
think and feel and do as he does, otherwise they are stupid, worthless, don't
deserve to eat ..he calls them eating machines that don't do a damn thing...
If you're different, you have no class, no taste.

If he doesn't see a person doing hard manual labor doing back breaking work
he says they don't work. They don't deserve to eat much less live. The world
is overpopulated. Global warming is a direct result of what humans have done
and are doing.

Birth control should be mandatory. He never wanted children. 

If anything goes wrong, it is never his fault. It's someone elses fault.
They should have known that what they did was wrong even in things
like being in anyplace at the wrong time, as if every person knows in
advance what is going to happen before they get there.

The only important thing is what is on his mind at the moment. To hell
with anyone else. 

He is skeptical of everything. He is frustrated daily. He is easily angered.
He rarely apologizes because he feels justified in being judgmental,
critical, hostile, arrogant, mean, selfish, superior and an ass hole Mr. Hyde
in general. 

He secretly and overtly views himself as all knowing thus calls others know it alls.

Deep inside he is actually fearful, afraid, scared to death. He says fear is a good thing.

He likes to keep the one closest to him in a constant state of fear where they are
walking on eggshells because if they don't he will blow up in a fit of rage,
throwing a temper tantrum that can last for hours and a stewing rage of the
silent treatment that can last for weeks.

His stated goal is to find a woman that will do everything that he wants. She
has no will of her own. No sense of self. She is an android stepford wife.

She is definitely not a free spirit... that is the biggest threat of all to him.
She ought to be tied to a tree if she tries to be herself, just as anyone should.

He sees any form of independence of others as a threat to his existence and he
lashes out in anger, most often at the one closest to him because he wants to appear
good and nice and respectable in public and to strangers and neighbors. He wants
them to think he is the nice guy. 

He minimizes the efforts of others and maximizes his own efforts as being superior.
No one else really matters. He believes he has done all good things by himself
without the help of others. He thinks of himself as an island. 

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